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2 pm EST: Matt Sacra
Bio: Matt Sacra holds a bachelors and masters degree in history, and recently taught strategy, innovation, and history at West Point, and is in the process of retiring from a 20-year career in the Army with his wife and five daughters in South-Central Pennsylvania. He's written many articles on sin, salvation, Christology, other biblical topics in the last decade, including one recent publication (Nov 2020) on sin in Focus on the Kingdom Magazine. He is also in the process of publishing his first book "The Armor of God" which highlights God's protection and Matt's growth and faith changes from his first deployment to Iraq in 2004-2005. Passionate for Judeo-Christian history and biblical truths, Matt has helped lead and teach since 2016 both in person and online as one of the elders of All For Christ Fellowship, which includes members of the body of Christ from around the US and the world. Their fellowship focuses especially on the topics of who God and Jesus are, what sin and righteousness are, the difference between the old and new covenants, and the kingdom of God and judgment to come. They can be reached at The Virgin Birth: Answering Some Common Objections
Synopsis: This presentation will address some common objections to the Virgin Birth such as:
- "It is too similar to the Angelic-Watcher's Genesis 6 sin"
- "It makes Jesus a 'Demi-God'"
- "It has too many Pagan Similarities"
- "It isn't a necessary or required doctrine"
- "It comes from corrupted scripture"