
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022


In the past, before 1971, the U.S. dollar had been backed by gold and silver, but president Nixon ended this and the dollar became a fiat currency. This means that the dollar is now only as good as the nation’s economy, and its ability to tax its citizens and pay its debts. U.S. citizens must by government decree use the fiat dollar. It is not only the U.S. that has fiat currency, all nations on Earth do as well, following the lead of the U.S.
Since World War Two the dollar has been the worlds reserve currency .

All nations desiring to trade in the world must convert their currencies into dollars. The BRICS nations are a challenge to the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency. The U.S. has weaponized the dollar by not exchanging it for a nation’s currency if that nation does not comply with the U.S. government. This is one reason the BRICS nations are attempting to dethrone the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Since 2006 the BRICS nations now control 42% of global GDP or gross domestic product.
This is proving to be a serious threat to the dollar. Printing to many dollars causes inflation because there are too many dollars and only a limited amount of goods and services causing supply and demand problems. Printing money devalues the money already in circulation.

U.S. debt is now close to 35 trillion dollars and is now at the point where the interest payments on the debt exceed the military and social security budgets. About every 100 days the debt grows by 1 trillion dollars making this problem unsustainable with a realistic result being a total economic collapse. In plain English the worst depression ever may be on the horizon.
The U.S. government is lying to the citizens with phony economic numbers; unemployment, GDP, inflation, money supply and other government statistics are all lies in an attempt to hide the very serious trouble the nation is in. There have been a few politicians that have told the truth about this problem but their warnings fall on deaf ears.

What can you do to prepare for the probability of an economic collapse? I recommend storing non perishable food, water, medicines, and other special needs you may have. Purchase what gold or silver you can afford, even if a very small amount. Have some way to generate electricity, like solar panels, wind turbines or gas generators.
While I do not know when this collapse will happen I do believe it will. I believe that this collapse will be the false tribulation that will produce the antichrist who will appear to be the savior that rescues the world from the collapse (that Satan caused) and produces a false millennium where people will say peace and safety and be rich and increased with goods needing nothing. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 Revelation 3:17 These events are the first 3 1/2 years of the seven year covenant that antichrist makes with ten nations. Because Satan copies GODS outline of the last days but makes them happen sooner, he will think to change times and laws. Daniel 7:25 All this leads antichrist to then demand worship as GOD. This is what starts the great tribulation, the time of Jacobs trouble.

There are other articles I have written that go into more detail. You may want to read them.