As Christians we can’t fool ourselves about the conditions that exist in the world today. If you have studied and are familiar with what scripture tells us about the last days then you should know that what I will write about is true. I believe we are in the last days because the way they are described in scripture is what I am seeing now. Deception, false teachers and false Christians are to abound. You just can’t trust anyone who says Lord Lord is a Christian. You must look at what they teach and believe and compare that with the truth the Holy Spirit has revealed to the saints, to earnestly contend with the faith that was entrusted to Gods saints. Jude 1:3 Jesus told us that before he returns it would be like the days of Noah; every thought and intent of the heart would be evil continually. Genesis 6:5. There will be many people claiming to be Christians who are not and Jesus tells them in that day, I never knew you. Matthew 7:21-23 You can identify these fake Christians by what they say and do. This is not just my word but the words of the prophets, Christ and the Apostles and if I judge on these things it will be in agreement with their testimony . Paul described the last days as perilous times and listed the evils done by men. 2 Timothy 3:1-5. Jesus warned about deception, that many would come using his name, they would say that Jesus is Lord Lord but deceive many, they do this by preaching a false Jesus, a false idea of God. If I say that certain people who believe and teach lies are not Christians based on that faith once delivered to the saints then why would anyone accuse me of some wrong doing ? Prophecy is the word of inspired men that we would do well to heed. 2 Peter 1:19. It is not possible to deceive Gods elect saints, the Holy Spirit has taught them the truth and they should be able to smell a lie from a mile away. In Revelation 12:15-16 Satan spews out lies like a flood to deceive the elect saints but the carnal people swallow up the lies while the saints do not. God protects spiritual Israel from Satans wrath with the seal of God on their foreheads. Revelation 7:3. This seal keeps the saints from harm of any kind. Paul reveals there is a double curse on anyone who teaches a false gospel. Galatians 1:6-9. Do you think Protestant trinitarians preach the true gospel ? How about Catholics ? 2 Corinthians 11:4 Yes they call Jesus Lord Lord but do they obey him, do they know him or his God ? The answer is no, they do not, and this is what separates the sheep from the goats and the wheat from the tares, the converted from the unconverted, the Christian from the fake Christian. This should be taken very seriously.
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