General The Effects Of Trinitarian Models on Prayer, Discipleship, and Worship


Active member
Bible Challenge
Oct 4, 2020
Amongst many of the practical trajectories our lives take by committing to any particular theological view, the aforementioned three are the ones I'm most curious and fascinated by but included the following: How does ones christology affect their choice of Atonement theory, affect prayer or its object, alter ones perception of their "identity in christ" and resultant affects on personal discipleship? I'd be much obliged to a Christian Trinitarian to expound on those inquiries. Thank you in advance.


New member
Oct 10, 2020
Hi, these are such great questions, we should have a telephone chat sometime, I like what you did there. I'll just touch on them. Atonement - I will not go near saying which explanation of atonement may be the right view, maybe a little of all, but I will say that God dying for me and not just a perfect man dying for me (as JWs teach) means the world of difference in terms of how much I feel loved and valued. When I read that I'm in Christ, it means I'm not in a perfect man but I'm in God, one with God himself, I'm truly God's family, linked through our spirits, with eternal life now and forever. Knowing Jesus is not just a man but is God is the essence of why I've given up so much to follow him, I'm done with following men,