General The Cave of the Couples

Bee Bee

Oct 4, 2020

The Cave of the Couples​

In Genesis chapter 23, following the death of his wife Sarah, Abraham purchases a cave near the city of Hebron as a family burial plot. The original Hebrew name of this place is the Cave of Machpelah (מכפלה), from the Hebrew root KPL כפל meaning “double”. This is apparently because of the “coupled” burial arrangement of the six patriarchs and matriarchs: Abraham beside Sarah. Isaac beside Rebecca. Jacob beside Leah.

The City of the Four​

Although never mentioned in the Bible, according to the rabbis there is another couple buried in this cave: Adam and Eve, bringing the grand total to four couples. Perhaps this is the source of the name Kiryat Arba (“the town of the four”), one of the titles of Hebron in the Bible (Genesis 23:2). With so many famous ancestors buried here, it is little wonder that this cave has been a crucial pilgrimage site for millennia!

Discover the Authenticity of the Hebrew Bible​

Abraham’s purchase of the Cave of Machpelah is an incredibly important biblical event, since it is the first piece of property in the Land of Canaan that is lawfully acquired by an Israelite. Join the people of Israel to discover the Bible’s mystical beginnings.


Active member
Bible Challenge
Oct 4, 2020
I'm absolutely seduced by the mystery and deeply embedded cultural ideas in the language of our sacred literature. Its those ideas that inform how I engage the corpus. Thank you for sharing!!!!
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