Hope of the World - Daily Sapphires, Vitamins for your Sprit (gothamweb.net)
Friday, April 2, 2021
ANAN HA KETORET was the Cloud of Incense. In ancient times, the glory of God would appear in the Holy of Holies inside the Temple of Jerusalem. The High Priest of Israel was allowed to enter in the Holy of Holies once a year. He had to do it with incense. The glory of God was too much to behold, so he had to cloud it up with incense. The Anan Ha Ketoret, the Cloud of Incense, was part of the Old Covenant. The New Covenant has no Cloud of Incense, just the glory. Yet we as New Covenant believers, tend to make our own cloud of incense because we're afraid of the glory. We cloud up the word with a cloud of compromise. We blur the lines of what God said. The problem with the cloud is that as long as you live in it, you'll never see the glory of God or know the glorious life He has for you. You want to live a life that's glorious? Then stop clouding up the issue. Be done with compromise. Take God at His word. You'll live a glorious life... with no clouds in sight.