What is a subcontract ? It is a contract by one party to pay another to have work done. With respect to salvation it is turning over responsibility of a persons salvation to another person. What is salvation ? Salvation is the hope of immortality and impeccability as a spirit being in the kingdom of GOD provided by GOD through HIS son Jesus Christ. This salvation GOD offers is precious beyond words to describe and it is the responsibility of each person who is offered salvation to “work it out in fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12 2 Corinthians 7:15 Psalm 2:11

Many years ago I came to the understanding, the realization that human shepherds have absolutely nothing to do with anyone’s salvation. Scripture tells us plainly that we must “work it out” ourselves and not subcontract it out to another.
Without realizing it this is exactly what the vast majority do. Even the Apostles told the people that their personal salvation was their responsibility. Jesus Christ gave his life so that we could through him have a relationship with the FATHER. This is the truth. I ask, then why do we need subcontractors ? The Apostle John explains this clearly in 1 John 2:27 and Johns words agree with Jesus, John 14:26 .

Why do so many not believe this ? Why do so many think they need a subcontractor ? Look at all the churches , are they all truly Christian ? What is the the primary method Satan uses to deceive ? Is it not wolves in sheep’s clothing, men who come in the name of Jesus saying that Jesus was indeed the Christ but at the same time deceive many ? Is there great deception in the world ? Is there a roaring lion loose ? Why anyone would trust a man with their salvation is credulous.

Why is it that people do not use the gift of the Holy Spirit to communicate with GOD through the only mediator Jesus ? Why do people think they need human guidance, teaching and leadership when GOD and Christ provide all these things ? How many mediators do we need ? The understanding of any spiritual knowledge cannot come by a man, it comes by GOD through Christ. John 6:45 1 Corinthians 2:10,11 Matthew 11:25 Galatians 1:11,12 the way Paul received his knowledge and understanding of the gospel was by revelation from Christ and I submit to you that this is the way all Christians learn as well, by revelation from Christ. Do you see how deception is eliminated when you bypass men and go straight to GOD and Christ ?

These subcontractors you hire, because you pay them money, will flee.
John 10:11,12,13,14,15,16 Do you understand what Jesus was saying in these verses ? The hired hand is your pastor, minister, preacher and the hired Hand is not the shepherd. The hired hand is your paid subcontractor. Jesus was speaking about all the false churches and false ministers that present themselves as men of GOD but fill your minds with lies. Any man who views himself to be a leader or teacher usurps GOD and Christ because GOD and Christ are the real leaders and teachers.

What do the scriptures say about putting your trust in a man ?
Jeremiah 17:5 Psalm 118:8 Isaiah 2:22 Psalm 40:4 1 Corinthians 2:5 1 Timothy 4:10 John 2:23,24,25 John 14:1
When you are a true Christian you are like on the sea in a ship alone. GOD is the admiral and Christ the captain. If you are guided to a port and you allow others to come aboard how would the admiral and captain respond ? The ship is your salvation and GOD and Christ are the wind in its sails guiding you to the final port of the kingdom . The others you allow on board are preachers, ministers and pastors you have paid to guide your ship. If that is your choice GOD will withdraw the wind from the sails. Then where will you be ?

The organized ministry of the first century existed for only a short time. Satan attacked the woman who brought forth the man child and the true church was scattered to the four winds. We should know that the church is still scattered to this day to the four winds because when Jesus returns that is where he gathers them from. Matthew 24:31. Revelation 7:1 During this entire time of being scattered GOD and Christ took over the operations of the church and are in complete and total control. There are no more human shepherds, no more subcontractors but we have those who claim they are shepherds that are in reality wolves in sheep’s clothing. We were warned about this. 2 Corinthians 11:13,14,15 Acts 20:30 Galatians 2:4 Titus 1:10,11 3 John 1:9,10 Isaiah 66:5 Luke 6:22 Take note that in most of these scriptures it is men who caused problems. Today it is the subcontractors, the hired hands, the ministers of Satan disguised as a sheep. No matter how much they seem to be a minister of righteousness they are darkness. Jude warns all the saints about this, Jude 1:3,4 The scriptures cry out concerning the works of the subcontractors and warn about following them.

Take a really good look at who you may have invited aboard your ship of salvation. If it is a subcontractor then you are in great danger of losing the wind in your sails.


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
I have discovered that there are those who sold out entirely to the wolf in sheep's clothing. They now "know" the truth because the wolf told them. Anyone who says differently is called a heretic - as is anyone who questions the validity of the things taught.

People outside of a few won't want to believe your post since it claims that their Sunday Social Club becomes unimportant (and may be harmful). There won't be friends around them telling them what good Christians that they are.

Satan and our fallen natures have mostly been successful in blocking the growth of the church that Yahweh started through His Son. In a similar way that the pagans wanted a god that they can see, touch, and worship; the "Church" has established their holy men. The very idea that the holy men can harm their journey is impossible for them to accept on their own.

Having been one of the "wolves," I know of the draw to be one. Thank God He shined the light I needed.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I fully realize that the vast majority of people will not heed the scriptures I have given in this article. That is their choice. I only share what I have been taught in the manner I described. I have known these things for over 30 years and they are true. I cannot teach you anything but GOD and Christ can. I am not your leader but GOD and Christ are. I gave up on men long ago and went directly to the source, GOD and Christ. Prophecy has taught me that people will not do what I have written here and continue doing what they do, that is how it will be. I will say that if even one has these things revealed to them by GOD and Christ and has the faith to believe then the angels in heaven will rejoice.
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