Devotional Space for Grace | Ready for Battle? - breastplate, shield, boots | 11.17


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Bible Challenge
Oct 5, 2020


Ready for Battle? (b) breastplate, shield, boots

Take your stand then with … righteousness your breastplate, the Gospel of peace
firmly on your feet … Above all be sure you take faith as your shield, for it can
quench every burning missile the enemy hurls at you

Ephesians 6:14-16, J B Philips

‘Never underestimate the strength of your enemy.’ Paul gives us a realistic appraisal of the “cosmic powers” (Eph 6:12 ESV: kosmokrátōr). These demonic forces, already defeated by Christ on the cross, still exercise a temporary limited authority in opposing the purposes and people of God - but Christ is our defense.

LOST and FOUND 17 image.jpg2. BREASTPLATE of Righteousness. A Christian should live an upright, moral life. No disputing that, but who can do that constantly? If we are just a little wrong with either God or men, Satan will accuse us, and there will be holes in our conscience through which our faith and boldness will leak out. Like a bulletproof vest, Jesus’ righteousness is something we put on, not something we do. It is God’s armour, not ours (Rom 10:2-4; 1 Cor 1:30).

3. SHIELD of Faith. After the siege of Dyrrachium, Sceva counted 220 darts sticking into his large shield (thyreon, ‘door’). Our defence against Satan’s arrows of temptations, lies and doubts is not mere faith in our faith but in Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12:2).

4. BOOTS of Peace. Literally, “having shod yourselves as to the feet in readiness [hetoimasia] of the gospel of peace.” Having Christ as our firm footing gives us tranquillity of mind and heart, along with confidence to resist false gospels that underplay Christ as Lord, or that preach a ‘work for salvation’ gospel. Are you ready to go out to announce reconciliation with God through the Prince of Peace? (Isa 9:6; Eph 2:14)


We are able to be stable because we stand in Christ