Devotional Space for Grace | Justification and Sanctification (a) | 11.12


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Bible Challenge
Oct 5, 2020
Justification and Sanctification (a)

For he that has died is justified from sin

Romans 6:7, Darby Bible Translation

“For the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin” (NWT). In Watchtower theology this verse is applied to those to be resurrected on earth with a “clean slate” – their death (not Christ’s) being payment for their sins. They explain it is like a
criminal paying for his crimes in prison, yet released having the same personality. Their online Study Bible asserts however that this verse also applies to the few “anointed” Christians who “die figuratively to their former course of life as imperfect humans” – again it is their own efforts which pays for their acquittal.

What is justification? Romans moves from man’s need to be saved from sin and death (1:18-3:20), to the grace provision of God’s Son and being born again in him (3:21-5:21). Those who believe now enjoy a victorious life by the gift of imputed
justification - our position in Christ - which affords the only basis for sanctification - our progression to Christlikeness enabled by the Spirit (chap 6-7). Justification is like a jacket and sanctification is the matching trousers which complete the suit of salvation. God no longer analyses or judges our sins but considers his Son’s sacrifice sufficient to remove the very consciousness of sins (Heb 8:12; 9:14; 10:14).

Imagine 2 Diaries: Diary 1: “When I was Single” compared with Diary 2: “Now I am Married”. You have a new status. You may foolishly act like a single person at times but the reality is you are legally married! It is not a matter of ‘turning over a new leaf’ but starting in a new book!

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Diary 1: ‘Life in Adam’; Diary 2: ‘Life in Christ.’ Where do you live?