Devotional Space for Grace | Encouraging One Another | 10.31


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Bible Challenge
Oct 5, 2020

Encouraging One Another

Since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus…
and since we have a great priest …
let us draw near … let us hold fast
the confession of our hope …
let us consider how to stir up one another
to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together …

Hebrews 10:19-25, ESV

What do you see in the scripture above? It is because we already have received the access to, and the approval of, our Father through the blood of our great priest Jesus that we are enabled to respond to a three-fold invitation? (a) “Let us” enjoy prayerful fellowship with God; (b) “let us” persevere in our new covenant hope despite all opposition and; (c) “let us” love and encourage one another.
RELIGION versus GRACE 31 image.jpg

What does “encourage” mean? “Spurring” or “encouraging” (
parakaleo) means literally to call someone alongside oneself, to get personal with. This word is used in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 where we are exhorted to comfort (parakaleo) others. We are all members of God's household, Christ’s body, belonging to one another with warm brotherly affection (Rom 12:5,10). We can phone and message one another, or better still pay a visit. Is it possible, like the early Christians, to meet in small house groups? Why? For interactive feeding on Christ and to offer face-to-face encouragement, especially in times of severe trials or opposition.

What is meant by “abandoning”? Forsaking or “abandoning” (
egkataleipo) means to leave behind, to sever connection, and in context to continually (present tense) desert meeting together. What did this mean for those Jews associating in Christian worship in Jerusalem in the AD 60’s? Some were abandoning Christian gatherings that emphasised grace and were deliberately returning to legalistic traditional religion at the Temple. Perhaps you know someone who needs encouragement or is being pressurised to return to high control religion?


Encourage one another in Christ
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