
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Solo Scriptura 2 Timothy 3:16


The title of this article is, Solo Scriptura, a Latin phrase that means by scripture alone. This phrase means that any doctrine, teaching or truth can only come by the Yahweh inspired scriptures and no outside source. In John 17:16-23 Jesus states plainly that the Apostles were sanctified by Gods truth and that by the the words of the Apostles others may believe through their message to be one with God as Jesus was. We know that the Apostles and prophets with Jesus as the chief cornerstone is the foundation of the church, the pillar and ground of truth. No others are mentioned anywhere in scripture as having the truth unless it comes through these sources. Ephesians 2:19-22 , 1 Timothy 3:15 This direct proclamation by the scriptures rules out completely any outside source to be taken as the truth of God. We are not to add to or diminish from the scriptures. Proverbs 30:6 , Deuteronomy 12:32 , Job 13:7 , Revelation 22:18-19 When some extra biblical source is used this opens the door for Satan to inject lies and deception. This is how the many false doctrines of the false churches entered. The trinity, the immortal soul, legalism, the rapture theory, liberal Christianity, universal salvation and many more lies have entered into the minds of the deceived because they do not solely adhere to the scriptures alone as the truth. The scriptures are the inspired truth written in such a way as to hide the truth from those God is not calling and choosing at this time. Scripture is like a gigantic parable or a collection of writings in tongues both which absolutely require the spirit of the Father through Christ to properly understand. Matthew 13:13 , Deuteronomy 29:4 , John 9:39 , John 12:40-41 The major problem is that many people are totally convinced they have the Holy Spirit when they do not and if someone told them they do not it would bring great wrath.

People claiming to be Christians is easy but scriptures definition of a Christian would disqualify them easily. If God and Christ know who is truly a Christian should we then know one another ? Yes. The Holy Spirit leads into truth opening up the understanding of what scripture teaches and no lie is of the truth. By trying the spirits , 1 John 4:1-4 , it is very easy for a true Christian to determine if someone else is a Christian. I do not say that the saints should vocally accuse the guilty but rather to be aware of people who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. The number of deceptions in this world are many but the truth is only one truth. Whenever you rely on non biblical sources for truth you stray off of that straight and narrow way into the broad way. If you stand on that sure foundation, on that rock, your house will not fall but if on sand your house will fall. There is no other foundation to build on than that of the Apostles, Prophets and Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
I think that there are "study bibles" which serve to cause people to ignore the spirit of God and simply trust man. I've known of those who tell me that they "studied" a topic when, in reality, they read the commentary of their "study bible."
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Outcast, in this forum and in emails we have been fellowshipping in a very similar manner as when I fellowship with the saints here in central Pennsylvania. The only difference is physical distance that the Father has no problem with.
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
Outcast, in this forum and in emails we have been fellowshipping in a very similar manner as when I fellowship with the saints here in central Pennsylvania. The only difference is physical distance that the Father has no problem with.
And I hope you know how much I have appreciated it, brother.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I am more than willing to hear a matter before I judge it. When I judge I use righteous judgement. I compare spiritual things with spiritual using all that I have been taught to reach a conclusion. I will operate in my conclusion unless Yahweh intervenes to correct me, then I change to be in agreement with Yahweh.


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
I am more than willing to hear a matter before I judge it. When I judge I use righteous judgement. I compare spiritual things with spiritual using all that I have been taught to reach a conclusion. I will operate in my conclusion unless Yahweh intervenes to correct me, then I change to be in agreement with Yahweh.
That is the humility that we strive to live in, knowing that we are nothing by ourselves.
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