
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022


Sin is a far more serious thing than we may have realized. The cost of our grace, the mercy of GOD to forgive our sins, was very high. It required the death of the only righteous man who ever lived, Jesus the messiah son of the most high GOD. This sacrifice paid for all the sins that we did before we were converted but also pays for sins we do after conversion. This sacrifice also pays for the sin of Adam that passed on to all of us.

The scripture has several definitions for sin; 1 John 3:4 Romans 14:23 1 John 5:17 Romans 3:23 When we closely examine these verses we could arrive at one true and complete definition for sin; whatever is not of GODS love is sin. The law, the glory of GOD, faith and righteousness are all of GODS love and without this love we are nothing. Everything contained in the teachings of all scripture is nothing without GODS love, it is the greatest of all.

Jesus magnified the law to reveal to us that it is our human spirit that sins and we use our bodies to disclose the sin openly. Under the law two human witnesses had to testify against a sinner by using the seeing of the eyes and hearing of the ears without any regard to the thoughts and intents of the human spirit. Jesus revealed the true cause of sin. Isaiah 11:3,4 it is the thoughts and intents of the human spirit. Matthew 15:18,19,20 See how Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah. Hebrews 4:12 Jeremiah 17:10

The Holy Spirit is the power of GOD in us that gives us, our human spirit, a portion of GODS love. Romans 5:5 Even with all this we still sin and need to humbly and sincerely ask GOD to forgive us. No matter how many times we sin if we obey the message of the gospel and are in the true faith GOD will forgive and count our faith in this as righteousness, not our righteousness but GODS. Philippians 3:9 It is the righteousness of GOD by faith that we are saved by grace through faith. It will be when we are in the kingdom that GOD will seal us in righteousness, change us to be incapable of sin and give us spirit bodies so that we will live forever. Hebrews 12:23

Contrary to what some say we will be spirit beings, no longer human just as Christ is no longer human. 2 Corinthians 5:16,17 Christ is now a life giving spirit, the first of a new creation. 1 Corinthians 15:45 The angels have a spirit body and we will have a spirit body too. Mark 12:25 2 Corinthians 5:1 1 Corinthians 15:44

All sins are common to us all, 1 Corinthians 10:13 , but GOD provides a way for us to endure. The most dangerous thing is to not respond to the GODLY sorrow you feel, the guilt you feel, when you sin because this GODLY sorrow is what leads you to repent and ask for forgiveness. 2 Corinthians 7:10 Be happy, be glad for this type of GODLY sorrow as it is the correction of your loving FATHER Hebrews 12:9 For any Christian to want to not feel guilty would produce no repentance therefore no forgiveness. Luke 13:3

The spirit GOD gives to us makes none of us spiritual giants because we are only sinners with access to GODS grace. This by no means is a license to sin or cheap grace. It is not once saved always saved neither is it universal salvation. The spirit of GOD is sown in us , 1 Corinthians 15:42,43,44 , we are perishable, dishonorable and weak. We are corruptible mortals that must put on incorruption and immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:53 This change comes when Christ returns and until that day we must obey the message of the gospel.

It seems that our spiritual warfare is constantly losing battles with sin but the victory in the end will be ours if we remain faithful and endure to the end. 1 Corinthians 15:57 Where sin abounds grace abounds much more, mercy triumphs over judgment. Matthew 9:13 Romans 5:20
If any sin among the saints we have an advocate with the FATHER, Jesus Christ the righteous; 1 John 2:1,2,3,4,5,6

Walk as Jesus walked.
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