Saturday 5/29/21 2:00 PM
Synopsis: With a hint from George Barna in Pagan Christianity, we will attempt to relook at the LORD’s Christ in several ways. First, there are about 90 times Jesus said “I am” in the New Testament. Who did HE say he was? Secondly, we will review the Old Testament regarding Mashach(anoint), and Mashiach(anointed). What and who was anointed in the Hebrew scripture? What does it mean? Is there an ultimate Messiah? Thirdly we will look at Jesus’ job descriptions from the Old Testament and the New Testament. Sometimes simple lists of scripture can point us to the real Jesus. Fourthly, we will look and “deification” and “divination” in the Pagan world as well as Christendom. How many Pagan Gods were there? How is Jesus “of God”? How many times is Jesus distinct from YHWH?
Joe Martin
Biography: As of January 7, 2017 Joe is retired as President and Executive Director of COGGC. He's still teaching through Zoom, distance learning, at Atlanta Bible College. Joe and Rebekah moved to Arizona to be near family. He received his doctorate from Columbia Theological Seminary, and one of his masters is from Fuller Theological Seminary. He recently published on Amazon, a short book, Simply God, YHWH 6,828. He still teaches and preaches at different times. He and Rebekah have been to Africa to serve the churches there for about twenty-five years. Mission work is a great part of their lives.
To Join Session use this link: Livestream – Focus on the Kingdom
Or via YouTube: (123) 30th Theological Conference Sat. Day 2, Morning: Aleksandar V. Tracy Z. - YouTube
SIMPLY Jesus: Biblifying and Depaganizing, YHWH’s Messiah
Synopsis: With a hint from George Barna in Pagan Christianity, we will attempt to relook at the LORD’s Christ in several ways. First, there are about 90 times Jesus said “I am” in the New Testament. Who did HE say he was? Secondly, we will review the Old Testament regarding Mashach(anoint), and Mashiach(anointed). What and who was anointed in the Hebrew scripture? What does it mean? Is there an ultimate Messiah? Thirdly we will look at Jesus’ job descriptions from the Old Testament and the New Testament. Sometimes simple lists of scripture can point us to the real Jesus. Fourthly, we will look and “deification” and “divination” in the Pagan world as well as Christendom. How many Pagan Gods were there? How is Jesus “of God”? How many times is Jesus distinct from YHWH?
Joe Martin
Biography: As of January 7, 2017 Joe is retired as President and Executive Director of COGGC. He's still teaching through Zoom, distance learning, at Atlanta Bible College. Joe and Rebekah moved to Arizona to be near family. He received his doctorate from Columbia Theological Seminary, and one of his masters is from Fuller Theological Seminary. He recently published on Amazon, a short book, Simply God, YHWH 6,828. He still teaches and preaches at different times. He and Rebekah have been to Africa to serve the churches there for about twenty-five years. Mission work is a great part of their lives.
To Join Session use this link: Livestream – Focus on the Kingdom
Or via YouTube: (123) 30th Theological Conference Sat. Day 2, Morning: Aleksandar V. Tracy Z. - YouTube