
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
The 144000


Hosea 1:9 Jeremiah 15:1 Jeremiah 11:14 Deuteronomy 31:9 Romans 11:7,8,9,10,25

Isaiah 65:1-25 is the rejection of carnal Israel and GOD replacing them with another people, Isaiah 65:15 , Isaiah 62:2 , Romans 11:14

Now look at what GOD calls the church.

1 Peter 1:1,2 Romans 11:5,7 Romans 8:23 Revelation 14:4 James 1:18 1 Peter 2:9 Isaiah 55:5

The carnal nation of Israel continually rebelled against GOD . In the new covenant GOD would do a new thing. HE would call the Gentiles and blind Israel until the number of gentiles that come to Christ is fulfilled. This was the great mystery Paul spoke about. The Israelites were the first persecutors of the church and Paul said they were responsible for the death of Christ, 1 Thessalonians 2:14,15,16 Luke 24:20 Acts 7:52 Remember all Jews are Israelites but not all Israelites are Jews.

The carnal Israelites are not converted to become the 144000. When the 144000 are mentioned in Revelation 7 & 14 all the word clues are there to identify who they are ; the first fruits, singing of the new song, redeemed of the Earth, sealed in their foreheads . They are the church of GOD from righteous Able to the ones alive and remaining when Christ returns . Hebrews 11 mentions by name some of the church before Christ. From Pentecost in Acts 2 and forward the gentiles and ministry of Paul became the focus of scriptures. The truth about the 144000 carnal people will not believe because they cannot accept that the number saved in this age is so few. Well Jesus always said the number saved would be few. Remember I said in this age, that means from Adam until the sealing of the 144000 in Revelation 7. Now the great crowd, a totally separate group, will suffer the tribulation while the 144000 are sealed weather dead or alive. This great crowd suffers martyrdom but when Jesus returns will be resurrected with the 144000. It is extremely difficult to understand all that has been written in this article but the spirit of GOD must interpret the information for you as I can teach you nothing, the Spirit is the teacher just as Christ told us. John 6:45 John 14:26

In the near future the carnal Israelites will ally themselves with the antichrist who will convince the world to keep the law. This is why there will be a third temple with sacrifices during the seven year covenant of the antichrist. We know the law does not provide salvation which is why antichrist establishes the law. This deception is biblically based which makes it all the more deceitful. The elect saints will see right through the deception but the whole world will swallow it hook, line and sinker. It will only be when antichrist says he is GOD that the carnal Israelites will realize their mistake. This will begin the time of Jacobs trouble, the great tribulation that will spill over into the world. The true church of GOD will be miraculously protected, Revelation 3:10 , but all others will experience the horror of the tribulation. I have written many articles about these things.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Jesus came in his FATHERS name and the vast majority of Israel rejected him. Jesus said they would accept him who comes in his own name. John 5:43 John 1:11 The antichrist does not acknowledge “the GOD of his fathers” Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Daniel 12:37 Daniel 11:37,38
The phrase, “GOD of his fathers” is well know to refer to Israel’s historical family. The nation of Israel was forbidden by the law to have a non Israelite to rule over them. Deuteronomy 17:15 Think of it; the modern day Israelites plan to build the third temple, Rabbis have claimed to have spoken to their messiah, Israel believes they will rule the world, they claim to know where the ark of the covenant is and the number 666 is a holy number associated with their messiah. John said plainly that, 1 John 2:22 , today’s Israelites are antichrist and GOD has blinded them to this day and since the first century has chosen the gentiles. This was Israel’s punishment, Matthew 20:16 Matthew 8:11,12 The sons of the kingdom, thrown into darkness, they were first but now they will be last and the gentiles will be first. Acts 13:48 Just as Jacob adopted Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh , GOD has adopted the gentiles into spiritual Israel, the church.