
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Doctrine is established by the teaching of Gods Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ. Doctrine does not change. Prophecy is different. While it is a sure word it must be interpreted correctly and this can be a challenge. We see prophecy as in a dark room where surroundings are difficult to distinguish until more light begins to shine. With the passage of time more light shines enabling us to see more clearly. This is when we have a eureka moment where things come together to give a better understanding. With these things in mind please allow me to share with you some of the things our group of saints has learned over the last 30 years.

The modern day nation of Israel is in reality the remnant of only a few of the tribes that made up Israel. Ten of the tribes of Israel are called lost because after their fall by Assyria and relocation to a strange land over time lost their identity as tribes of Israel. The southern kingdom of Judah after 70 years in captivity were permitted to return to Jerusalem and their descendants were the people Jesus lived among. The split of the Israelite nation took place after the death of Solomon when Solomons son Rehoboam refused to lower taxes causing ten tribes to the north to secede and called themselves Israel while the remaining tribes of the south called themselves Judah. Isaiah 48:1 So then when prophecy speaks about the future it will address these people as Judah and Jerusalem.
The prophet Jeremiah has much to say about Judah and Jerusalem, Jeremiah 25:15-29 , take notice the cup of fury is the same cup as in Revelation 14:9-10 . There are those who think modern day Israel is the fulfillment of Gods promise to Abraham, it is not. Modern day Israel is the work of Satan to bring about the rise of a nation people will think is Israel when in reality is Judah. When God brings back Israel He brings back all the tribes. Ezekiel 37:15-24 In order for King David to rule over a United Israel he must first be raised from the dead, so this United Israel can’t happen until Jesus returns. So you see why I said that modern day Israel is really Judah and not an act of God but of Satan. I will stop here for now and let you digest what I have written and if you would like to hear more let me know.
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Dec 3, 2022

Jeremiah 3:3 is referring to Revelation 17:5 Anyone familiar with the history of Israel would know of their constant rebellion against God. After many years God finally divorced Israel. Hosea 1:9 , Isaiah 50:1
Satan plans to use modern day Israel/Judah to turn a large percentage of people back to the law of Moses thus denying Christ. To this day the Jews have been an enemy of the gospel and antichrist. 1 John 2:22 , Romans 11:28 , Deuteronomy 9:24 Satan will have a counterfeit Israel from which he will produce a king messiah, third temple and reinstituted sacrifices. Many people today believe Israel is Gods ONLY chosen people when there are two Israel’s, old covenant and new covenant. Satan will change TIMES AND LAWS as he makes things prophesied by God happen before the time. In the future there will be a false tribulation followed by a false parousia then false millennium. Satan copies Gods plan but brings it about sooner using modern day Judah and Jerusalem and the law of Moses. All this will appear to the uninformed as biblical but in reality it is deception. To end the false tribulation Satan makes a 7 year treaty with ten nations, 5 from the east and 5 from the west of once was the Roman Empire. These are the ten toes of the image in Daniel 2:42 and the ten horns in Revelation . The false millennium is a time when people will say please and safety 1 Thessalonians 5:3 be rich and increased with goods needing nothing. Revelation 3:17 . At the midpoint of the 7 year treaty the man of sin will enter the most holy place of the temple and declare himself God. Those who believe a man can be God will fall for this but those who know the one true God will not. The Jews will discover their king/messiah is a fake and run him out of Judah/Jerusalem but he yet has his 10 kings/horns that hate the harlot/Jerusalem and Revelation 17:16 .
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Dec 3, 2022

Israel/Judah rebelled coming out of Egypt, during the time of the Judges, murdered Christ and their prophets and finally align with Satan in the last days. It is no wonder they drink a double portion of God's wrath. Jerusalem is called the harlot of Babylon because when in Babylon they became polluted with pagan ways. Jerusalem at first sits on the beast, controlling it but later looses control and is destroyed by it. It is Satan's goal to make an image of Israel as in the glory days of Solomon when Israel was the most wealthy and powerful nation in the known world. Israel was one of the seven kings and will become the eighth. Jerusalem is situated on seven mountains; Scopus, Olivet, Corruption, Ophel, Zion (Moriah) , New Zion and Antonia Fortress. These are the seven heads of the beast, one suffers a deadly wound by the sword which is the highest part of Zion called Moriah where the temple once stood. The healing of this deadly wound will be the third temple. The ten horns now have the crowns on them rather than on the heads and the heads are now blasphemous. Recently in the news , ultra Orthodox Jews along with Netanyahu, have a plan to make Israel/Judah a monarchy. This is prophetically very significant and should be watched carefully by the saints because it is a needed development to fulfill the events that follow. When Judah and Jerusalem make a seven year treaty with ten nations then the saints know that before the seven years are completed Christ will return. Near term we can expect political, economic and racial chaos, a limited nuclear war; all these things are a false tribulation followed by a false parousia and false millennium . At the midpoint of the seven year treaty the man of sin is the abomination of desolation enters the third temple and declares himself God and begins the real tribulation, normally of a three and a half year length but is cut short to prevent the total annihilation of humanity. Christ returns and establishes Gods kingdom on Earth.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Part 4.

After world war 2 44 nations met at Breton Woods, New Hampshire from July 1-22 1944 to establish new rules of the international monetary system. One important step made the U.S. dollar the worlds reserve currency. Later this would be called the petro dollar. This meant the dollar would be the only currency used when nations trade in world commerce. To trade nations would have to basically use their currencies to by dollars for trade. However when nations began buying up gold the supply in the U.S. began to shrink. In 1971 President Nixon ended gold backing of the dollar thus making it a fiat currency. Other nations followed suit but the dollar still remained the reserve currency. Over the years till today this led to the U.S. and most other nations to massively over print their currency. This led to one recession after another as governments spent more than the taxation of their peoples could pay and this led to deficit spending and running up huge debts. The U.S. has the largest debt in recorded history currently at about 32 trillion dollars. This is leading many nations to abandon the dollar and no longer buy U.S. bonds which are used to help finance our debt. Eventually the U.S. will default and all the dollars held by foreign nations will pour into the U.S. causing a depression many times worse than 1929. Recently Iran and Saudi Arabia have entered into a group of countries called the BRICS whose goal is to end dollar dominance in the world. China and Russia are now friends and lead the effort along this line. As I have said in another post, the U.S. is the seventh king of Revelation 17:10. The U.S. must fall to make way for the eighth. At this writing we are extremely close to that day. Wake up and smell the coffee.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
With the exception of the true church the entire world is in wickedness.
1 John 5:19 We either believe this or not. This is Satans world because he acquired it when Adam sinned. Christ reacquired what Adam lost but has not returned to claim it. There are many people who claim to be Christians but would there be sufficient evidence to prove this ? Many who say they are Christian support all manner of sexual sins, support abortion, hold to false doctrines and participate in the affairs of the political arena. I have found that many do not know the teachings of their church. Many are Sunday Christians but every day devils . If we are to believe the Apostle John then we accept his testimony concerning this world. We believe Jesus about what he said the world would be like in the end time. There is also the words of Paul and Peter.
We have a great cloud of witnesses. Hebrews 12:1