General Potential Sin


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
There are those who say Jesus had the potential to sin but chose not to. They say that the temptation of Jesus by Satan would be a charade if Jesus was incapable of sin. The only people who were potential sinners were Adam and Eve. This is because while they did not have the knowledge needed to sin that was in the forbidden fruit they did know that God commanded them not to eat it. This shows that Adam and Eve were only innocent because of ignorance. Adam did not fall from grace rather failed to attain it. Besides this grace is for sinners not for those who are truly righteous. If Adam would have obeyed God and not his wife and ate from the tree of life the kingdom of God would have began then. Adam and Eve would have been in this kingdom without ever having sinned. We know this did not happen and when Adam did sin this sin passed on to all of us. We are not potential sinners, we are sinners. There are only two kinds of beings, those who are sinners and those who can not sin. If Jesus was a potential sinner then how could he have ever entered heaven; because in heaven everyone is incapable of sin. In truth the temptation of Christ was to show us that we had a messiah who we could be assured of and confident of to make our salvation hope sure and without doubt. Did Jesus defeat Satan? Our salvation was not a gamble but a sure thing in Jesus. The Greek word “agape” means Gods love, the highest kind of love that we do not have unless we have the Spirit. Jesus had this love in full measure because he used it to fulfill the law for love is the fulfillment of the law. Potential sin is a myth, an oxymoron, like saying your almost pregnant; your either pregnant or not.
Calling Jesus a potential sinner is to assassinate his character and dishonor him. Scripture tells us Jesus was the image of the invisible God and the brightness of His glory it calls him righteous and holy. Jesus is worthy of the same honor as God Almighty. John 5:23. If I was the man who taught that Jesus was a potential sinner I would repent and ask forgiveness. The man who teaches this lie about Jesus uses a verse in James 1:13 he says God cannot be tempted, Jesus was tempted, therefore he falsely concludes that Jesus could sin because he was tempted. What he did was leave out the last two words, “with evil”, James 1:14-15 continues saying that a tempted Jesus is drawn away by his own lust and enticed and when lust is conceived it brings sin which brings death. Do you think this is true of Jesus Christ? Jesus proved he could not be tempted “with evil” when Satan tried to tempt Jesus to think and do evil. Hebrews 4:15 Satan really thought he could tempt Jesus to lust after the things Satan offered but Satan discovered that Jesus was exactly like his God and Father, he could not be tempted with evil. Just because you have been tempted is not an indication that you can or will sin. Did any of the prophets give any hint at all that Jesus could have sinned ? Isaiah 42:4. Indeed all the prophets spoke of the Christ in glowing terminology in the success of his mission. Prophecy is said to be a sure word, 2 Peter 1:19-21. It was not possible for Jesus to fail.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Jesus could not fail in his role as messiah, GOD HAD NO PLAN “B”.