In Luke 2:49KJV a young Jesus, at the age of 12, made an amazing comment to Joseph and Mary. This event occurred during the Passover. Jesus had become separated from his parents who did not realize he was missing until they were headed back home and traveled for a day before realizing Jesus was not among their relatives or friends. Even when they returned to Jerusalem that took a day, they yet searched for him there and another 3 days passed before they finally found him. Luke 2:46,47 informs us what Jesus was doing during that time. I find it amazing that a boy of only 12 could have the knowledge and understanding to be engaged in conversations with the teachers at the temple who themselves also were amazed at the understanding and the answers Jesus gave them. This story gives us important insight into the power of GODS spirit that was at work in the young Christ. When Joseph and Mary found him and expressed their fear and worry to him his reply was equally amazing. Jesus had to be about his FATHERS business. Luke 2:49KJV

Jesus knew that Joseph was not his father but how long did he know this, how long was he aware of his FATHERS business ? Joseph and Mary went to Passover every year which means Jesus did too. It is said that the age of reason, a stage in early human life that occurs around 5 to 7 years, where rational thought is developed to distinguish good from evil and understand concepts and ideas on a basic level. If this is true then Jesus would have been experiencing this condition for at least 5 to 7 years before this incident at age 12. What would account for the extraordinary intelligence displayed by Jesus ? We should already know, Jesus was, since the age of reason, fully connected to his GOD and FATHER. GOD and Jesus were one even when Jesus was very young and even when Jesus was in Mary’s womb. Psalm 22:10. At this tender age Jesus was totally immersed in his FATHERS business.
The scriptures declare that we are to be transformed into the same image as Jesus, 2 Corinthians 3:18 Romans 8:29

Was Jesus preoccupied with the business of economics, science and technology, engineering, the arts or politics? Scripture indicates that Jesus was consumed by the zeal of his FATHERS business to the elimination of all else. John 2:17 John 4:34 Jesus was totally committed to the will of GOD and all of this is the image of what we are to become. Now we no that we have not yet achieved the stature and fullness of Jesus but we should be of a mind that makes this goal a desire that eats us up, consumes us.
We should not place anything else above this spiritual priority. We should not think of the words and ways of this world by rather be focused on developing the mind of this man, Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:5KJV
We should not consider videos, books or TV shows making claims about things they know nothing about. If placing your Mother, Father, son or daughter above Christ makes us unworthy of him , Matthew 10:37 , then what could be said of the other things in this world?

Jesus is speaking of total commitment to his FATHER and to himself. We are not to love GOD or Christ half heartedly. Matthew 22:37 Since Christians are still physically in this world but we are to be spiritually separate , however it seems to be that we forget this and involve ourselves in things that we should not be part of or participate in. We need to spiritually educate ourselves to be able to discern the difference with the guidance of GODS spirit. The spirit is to be our guide but if we fail to use the spirit then we have no guide. John 16:13 John 14:26 Romans 8:14 Galatians 5:16,17,18
We should never think we are standing firm to the degree that we become careless. 1 Corinthians 10:12
Proverbs 16:18 Matthew 26:41 2 Peter 3:17

Paul understood these things very well. Philippians 3:12. Hebrews 12:1,2 We are to search ourselves to determine if we have any issues that go against the profession of our faith. 2 Corinthians 13:5 All these warnings and admonitions from the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles would not even be in the scriptures if it were not possible that we could fail . Therefore we need to do what Jesus always did, be about our FATHERS business
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You present a tall order here. Yeshua had a purpose on this earth that is different from other's. His Father's business required total knowledge and understanding of truth. He had the spirit and ability to know so much more than those with a different path given to them.

I know that I have a purpose and still hoping to see my door that I am to enter. In pursuit of that, my Father's business for me is uncertain. While I wait, I seek to know and understand.

I trust that there are others here at this site also wanting to learn more, but they seem to seldom respond to posts. I truly wish more would do so, as iron cannot sharpen iron if they never come in contact with each other.

These changes I am going through happen "here a little, there a little." Thank you for your help.
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You present a tall order here. Yeshua had a purpose on this earth that is different from other's. His Father's business required total knowledge and understanding of truth. He had the spirit and ability to know so much more than those with a different path given to them.

I know that I have a purpose and still hoping to see my door that I am to enter. In pursuit of that, my Father's business for me is uncertain. While I wait, I seek to know and understand.

I trust that there are others here at this site also wanting to learn more, but they seem to seldom respond to posts. I truly wish more would do so, as iron cannot sharpen iron if they never come in contact with each other.

These changes I am going through happen "here a little, there a little." Thank you for your help.
The image of Christ we are to become is GODS nature of righteousness and agape. Jesus was born with this divine nature but we must be recreated/ transformed at the second advent. Until that day we are to live as though we are in the kingdom and Christ is our example to follow. As Jesus was created in GODS image we are recreated in the image of Jesus. YAHWEH is in the recycling business and has made HIS son a full partner and through Jesus we can in the future become partners as well. Our business now is to invest ourselves in this recycling with the hope of being a partner. In this way we are about our FATHERS business. This is our door, John 10:39 This is our purpose. Philippians 3:14 1 Corinthians 9:24,25,26,27 1 Peter 1:3,4
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