1 Corinthians 2:14 , Romans 8:7-9 , James 4:4 the Holy Spirit joins with the human spirit to affirm that we are Gods children. Romans 8:16.
Romans 8:14 Without the Holy Spirit a person is not In Christ, not converted. Jesus told us the Spirit is our teacher but we must have the Spirit to be taught.
Man’s knowledge is nothingness, Isaiah 55:9 , surely you do not view carnal knowledge and Spiritual knowledge equally.
Isaiah 55:9 says nothing about the uselessness of man's knowledge. It says that God's ways are inscrutable. By the way, if you recognise that God is the source of ALL truth, then it follows logically that God is the one who makes "man's knowledge" possible.
You said above, “ certainly not only through Christianity’s scriptures “ , 2 Peter 1:21 , 2 Timothy 3:16 , John 16:13 , what other writings do you see as equal to Christianity's scriptures ?
This is circular reasoning. You can't expect to persuade any intelligent person with this way of reasoning: No other religious writing is equal to Christianity's scriptures. And how do we know that? Because (according to how I interpret it) Christianity's scriptures claim to be exclusively true; it says all other scriptures are false.
The very status of the scriptures are in question here. You can't argue your way out of this—or any matter—by citing a few decontextualized verses.
The question is this: who says that God's revelation is confined to the Bible
alone? God is too big, his self-revelation too generous to be confined to only the Bible. The Christian particularism that sees other faiths, even other groups within Christianity, as deluded is just untenable, especially if you study the precepts of other religions and observe the fruits of the Spirit in the lives of non-Christians or even the lives of those we consider not "true" Christians. I have close Muslim friends. I don't need anyone to tell me that these are equally God-fearing people loved by God. What does it matter that they don't use
our scriptures? Our scriptures are not God, in case it needs to be said.
People in the world are cut off from God.
Let me remind you that God
loves the world. "People in the world" are God's children too, not only Christians, certainly not only you (Acts 17:26-28). Yes, many people are
estranged from God their father (remember Jesus' parable of the prodigal son) but only for a while. But all shall be well because God's love will ultimately triumph over every obstinate heart. For he came that he might save the cosmos (John 12: 47). Nothing can stand in the way of God's love.
In every nation, tribe, religion, the person who responds to the call of God is not cut off from God, like Cornelius in the book of Acts.
True Christians test the spirits to see if they are from God or not, 1 John 4:1 , this is the gift of discernment.
Right. Discernment is made possible by knowledge. You have to know the good in order to discern it. Actually, faithful worshippers of God—both Christians and non-Christians—need to have discernment, in order to test the spirits to see if they are from God or not.
To believe that anyone or everyone is a Christian is naive.
Who believes that anyone or everyone is a Christian? Not even non-Christians believe that. So, yes, I agree. Acknowledging the fact that not everyone is a Christian is one thing; deciding, based on your own understanding of Christianity, who is or isn't a Christian is another thing. Looking at the mass of people who call themselves Christian and judging them not to be Christians seems out of place to me. It reminds me of those religions—Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-day Adventists and other groups—that claim that those outside their organizations are not "true" Christians (whatever that means).
Just because someone says they are a Christian does not mean they are.
Depends on who says they are a Christian. If the person
acts as a Christian
and says that they're a Christian, you'd better believe them. If they say they're a Christian but act contrary to the faith, then they're open to the charge that they're not
really Christian/
acting in a Christian
Either way, it's neither your place nor mine to decide who's in and who's out.
You mentioned the chosen few, Matthew 22:14 , Luke 13:23-27 , there are few in this age that will experience salvation.
Based on how you choose to read these passages, maybe. I beg to differ, though this is neither the time nor place for me to explain why.
I do sense hostility from you along with antagonism. You have been offended by what I have written. Rather than attack me go to the scriptures and prove me wrong.
No, it's not hostility. It's not even antagonism. It's DISAGREEMENT, something we should all expect from time to time.
Debate isn't hostility. I have not attacked YOU. I didn't feel attacked when you replied to my post. I found that I agreed with some of the things you said, and I said as much. I also found myself disagreeing with your perspective; I believe you were wrong on those points and that's what I tried to show.
That's the point of such a platform, right?
I believe I was careful not to make any
ad hominem arguments. If I slipped, I'm sorry.