Jesus said, Matthew 17:11 , “restore all things”. This is the power of GODS spirit teaching the truth of all things to the people who would become GODS elect saints, that GOD chooses out of the world to become HIS saints, bypassing all false human shepherds. These elect were formally in great deception and children of the devil. Jesus says this very thing, Acts 26:18 I was once a child of Satan and so were we all. Only by GODS mercy and love along with HIS eternal attributes selected, elected, a people , Ephesians 1:5,11 These saints have in eternity been know to GOD. All their names have been recorded in the Lambs book of life from the foundation of the world. Revelation 13:8 GOD draws these people to HIMSELF through Jesus. John 6:44 John 14:6
Notice that Elijah “restores” meaning to revive that which was lost, referring to the truth.

The level of deception in the world is enormous.
The devil has deceived many men and women to think they are ministers of light, shepherds of the truth. 2 Corinthians 11:13,14,15
This has been the way of the world of organized religion. I have researched hundreds of these organizations and found them all false. All 45 or 55 thousand of them are false. If any organization is led by a human shepherd then it is false. GOD removed all human ministers after the death of the Apostle John. Men were and are the problem, the tool Satan uses, so GOD eliminated the problem.

Malachi 4:5,6 This Elijah comes before the day of the Lord. John the Baptist didn’t restore anything. This Elijah is GODS spirit.
Jesus knew the church would be overrun by false brethren and ministers and called the church the “little flock”. Other words Jesus spoke concerning the church; many are called but few are chosen, few there be that find it and where two or three are gathered together in my name indicate to us that the number of true Christians is very small.. The Elijah spirit became necessary in order to overcome false ministers, false doctrine and scriptural errors. The scriptures are written in such a way that it may be described as written in tongues and the holy spirit of the FATHER is required to understand what it says and even more than this, the truth of anything is scattered from Genesis to Revelation, here a little and there a little, and this is why Jesus spoke in parables to hide the truth from those it was not given to hear.

No one could ever build a true foundation with the enormous degree of deception in this world. The elect saints escape this deception by having GOD and Christ only lead, guide and teach them and this is why Jesus said that it was impossible to deceive the elect. If people would only have the faith to come out of Babylon and touch not the unclean thing GOD would receive them. GOD does not dwell in temples made by human preachers, GOD does not want your money and GOD will not lie to you. These three things would make excellent stones for your foundation. The Elijah spirit, the FATHER , is the teacher through Jesus Christ. John 6:45 This is the chief cornerstone in anyone’s foundation
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