Course LT102 Studying a Passage with Logos Bible Software

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

Duration: 46m

Studying a Passage with Logos Bible Software (LT102) takes you through the steps of Bible study from a first reading through detailed analysis. First, it shows you how to read your preferred Bible in comparison to other versions side by side, so that you can note and analyze the differences. Then it shows what you can do with the Exegetical, Bible Word Study, and Passage Guides. Using them, you can do grammatical and structural analysis and conduct cultural background and word studies. Finally, the course shows you how to use these guides to find what others have said about your passage in ancient sources, in commentaries, and in biblical and systematic theologies.

This is the second course in the Logos Academic Training series.

If you go to and you have joined the Beroean Christains Faithlife group you can get access to this course for FREE - it usually costs $19.99.

For more details on this program see this thread