Video John and Jewish Preexistence - Dr. Dustin Smith

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Dr. Dustin Smith brings us a well done consideration of the question of preexistence in the Gospel of John. Dustin talks about the significance of the Jewish understanding of preexistence as context for John’s writings. Dustin brings us examples drawn from Jewish literature which demonstrate that preexistence in the minds of the Jews was notional and not literal. This video reflects on: What is Truth? "One God" believers around the world teach that traditional views about God as found in the Doctrine of the Trinity & in Oneness (UPCI), Apostolic, Arian & Mormon perspectives are inaccurate according to the Bible: that the truth about the One true God, faith & the gospel is not rightly reflected in any of those traditional doctrines. One God believers teach that all of those positions represent variations on Christian tradition rather than Biblical truth. You will find One God people preaching that: Yahweh is One & only One (Deut. 6:4) and that Jesus is the Christ (John 17:3) God's only begotten human son born of the virgin Mary. One God believers challenge Christianity to choose either truth or tradition about God. J. Dan Gill is Chief Editor of 21st Century Reformation Online.