General Jesus, the Apostles broke the Sabbath!


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2020
Jesus and the Apostles broke the Sabbath yet were innocent, i.e., not sinners!
In Matthew 12 Jesus does not deny the charge that his followers break the Sabbath. Yet, they are declared innocent by Jesus. In other words, Jesus justifies their actions by saying that his followers have the same God-given authority that exempted the Temple priests, King David and his friends in the OT.
Many of Jesus' miracles and healings also took place on the Sabbath to make the point that Jesus is now “the lord of the Sabbath,” i.e., he owns the day and as a result has been given authority to either keep or not keep the Sabbath!
We see in John 5, similarly to Matthew 12, where Jesus again does not deny breaking the Sabbath himself. He instead doubles down on the Pharisaic charge by saying: “My Father is working until now, and I too am working.” (John 5:17). And note what the Jews later say in John 9:16: “This man is not from God, for he doesn’t keep the Sabbath!” In this case the Pharisees were right and quickly realized that no follower of Jesus can also be, at the same time, a follower of Moses.
In John 9:28 the Pharisees reproach a blind man healed by Jesus on the Sabbath: “You are His disciple, but we are disciples of Moses."


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
You are correct. This also proves that Jesus was not "born under the law", the woman, his mother was. If Jesus was born under the law he would indeed have sinned. No one can be in both covenants at the same time. Jesus was the new covenant. All humanity is born under the law since Moses and Jesus is the Passover to pass over from the law to grace. The condemnation of the law is what we need saved from. The law is holy, just and good and was to be a school master to lead us to Christ when used properly as it reveals our sinful inner nature, produces Godly sorrow leading to repentance and then conversion. Few there be that find this.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
The sabbath of the law was a shadow of what you touched on in your post. Sabbath means rest. The rest in the law was from physical labor. The rest in Christ is from a spiritual labor of trying to be righteous by keeping the law. Philippians 3:9 , righteousness of the law is filthy rags to God. Isaiah 64:6 The righteousness of the saints is imputed because of faith in the message of the gospel. Gods righteousness covers the saints now until they are made righteous of their own self in the kingdom. This will be when we are truly in the image and likeness of Yahweh. Jesus, as a man , was created with Gods image of righteousness and only needed immortality. We are to be following Jesus so that we too can be made after the image of Jesus who was created after the image of the invisible God. 2 Corinthians 3:18 This process reaches its conclusion when we are changed from flesh to spirit and from corruption to impeccable, taking on the divine nature of God, the nature of love and righteousness as Jesus demonstrated to us as a man. Neither Jesus nor the saints are God but we saints will in the kingdom be of Gods character which Jesus showed us as a man. Yahweh created Jesus an exact copy of His divine nature but the saints must be recreated to have that nature. 2 Peter 1:4 , Ephesians 4:13 , Ephesians 4:24 , Hebrews 12:10 In order to fulfill the sabbath of the law as well as Passover and Pentecost, Jesus did so on the exact same days.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
We must remember that a man was stoned to death for gathering sticks on the Sabbath. Numbers 15:32-36 Jesus was the new covenant, he was not under the law. Isaiah 42:6 , Isaiah 49:8 Benadam and I cannot break the Sabbath because we are no longer under the law. Jesus, the new covenant, did not technically break the Sabbath except in the eyes of the Pharisees. Abraham was before the law was given and the saints are of the faith of Abraham not Moses. John 1:17 The law is not evil, humans are, the law was to show us our sins, the law is holy , just and good and was to lead us to Christ and was never designed by God to produce salvation. I love Gods law because it led me to Christ.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Remember Jesus was murdered on Passover, the next day was the first day of unleavened bread. When Jesus broke bread and blessed it with the disciples who were with him it was still the days of unleavened bread. The bread used was ARTOS leavened bread, AZYMITE is unleavened bread. This showed the disciples that this was Jesus as they knew he had fulfilled the law. Luke 24:13-35