Many churches say that Jesus is still a human being now in heaven.

2 Corinthians 5:16,17 GOD created human beings in HIS image, according to HIS likeness. Is GOD flesh and blood ? Is GOD a spirit ? John 4:24 Remember the flesh profits nothing. John 6:63

The way humans are in GODS image and likeness must be spirit. GOD is a spirit and humans have a human spirit Job 32:8 , this is what is meant by being in the image and likeness of GOD. 2 Corinthians 5:1 tells us plainly that our body of flesh is destroyed and replaced by a body not made by human hands or not of flesh and this confirms the meaning of 1 Corinthians 15:49,50

To believe that you will be "glorified flesh" yet human or that Christ is still human in the kingdom is to not understand the end product, the result of your salvation.

Jesus is not now human in heaven and you will not be human either in the kingdom. This confusion began with the mistaken belief that Jesus was raised from the dead glorified. Jesus told his disciples that he HAD TO GO AWAY ELSE THE HELPER, THE HOLY SPIRIT, WOULD NOT COME. John 7:39 Do you see that Jesus had to go away or ascend and be glorified in order to send the Holy Spirit. John 16:7

In 1 John 3:2 John says plainly that what we will be has not been revealed but when Jesus returns we will be like him, FOR WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS. John was an eyewitness of the risen Christ and if Christ was glorified then why would John say , “what we will be has not yet been revealed” ? Even what all humans are right now is a human spirit in a tent, a temporary house of clay, mortal for this very reason. This false idea of glorified flesh sounds a lot like the immortal soul lie.

Some say Jesus walked through a wall trying to prove that Jesus was glorified at his resurrection but John 19:20 makes no mention of this. Also Jesus performed many more miracles before his death than after. Luke 24:39 is another scripture used in trying to prove a glorified fleshly Jesus. Jesus died as a human and had to be resurrected as a human and in this verse proved he was a human. It was not until Jesus ascended that he became a glorified spirit being.

It is not the fleshly body that GOD is interested in, but the human spirit, it is the SPIRITS of just men made perfect, Hebrews 12:23 . Being glorified means becoming a spirit being, the flesh profits nothing. It is the inner man not the outer man. Would we truly be a new creation if we were yet human? Joel 2:2 describes the invasion of the Earth by the army of GOD led by Jesus Christ and with him angels and the glorified saints, Psalm 149:6,7,8,9 Is another account of the same event, all HIS saints, the church, now in this Psalm glorified. Paul saw Jesus and it blinded Paul. Did Jesus turn down the volume so to speak before he ascended ? Jesus described a person who is a spirit being, John 3:5,6,7,8 does this sound like glorified flesh to you ?

The glorified flesh or still being human idea is incorrect. Prove it for yourself.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
We will be a new creation. The tent we have now will be dust but YAHWEH has a totally new body for us, one composed totally of spirit. Flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of GOD.