
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
John 4:24 GOD is spirit. So, GOD is not flesh and blood. Genesis 1:27 Humanity was created by GOD in HIS image. Humans have a body that is flesh and blood and we have already ruled out that GOD is spirit and not flesh and blood. What is it about we humans that is in GODS image. Job 32:8 Proverbs 20:27 1 Corinthians 2:11 Proverbs 18:14 Psalm 51:10,11,17 It is this spirit in humans, this breath of life that we have in common with GOD. You see, GOD IS SPIRIT and the real human person is spirit. Your fleshly body is temporary because this earthen vessel, this tent will be destroyed and replaced with a spirit body. 2 Corinthians 5:1 1 Corinthians 15:44,45,46,47,48,49 1 John 3:2 The human spirit is what makes you human. Nebuchadnezzar was transformed into a beast. Daniel 4:16. GOD took his human spirit from him and replaced it with that of a beast. Scripture refers to the human spirit as; the heart, mind or breath of life. The fleshly brain does not think, has memories or stores information, the human spirit is our inspiration in all these things. While in this flesh we are a shadow image of GOD . We all need changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the return of Christ. This change is twofold, become composed completely of spirit and being made incapable of sin. It is the spirits of just men made perfect. It is partaking of the divine nature. It is being transformed into the image of Christ who was the image of GOD.


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
I'd like to understand how this works: "The fleshly brain does not think, has memories or stores information, the human spirit is our inspiration in all these things."

Are you implying that, while we have a mass of cells in our skulls, it does not do what we think it does?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
The brain is nothing more than an interface between your human spirit and fleshly body. When you are a spirit being in the kingdom of GOD where is your fleshly brain, is it not dust. If the brain was the source of all your knowledge and memories then they would all become dust because this is the way of all flesh. Job said our inspiration comes by the spirit in man, the breath of life of the ALMIGHTY and this is what gives us understanding. Job 32:8 Paul said that the things men know are due to the spirit of man, 1 Corinthians 2:11 Flesh and blood, your brain, cannot inherit the kingdom of GOD. It is the “spirits” of just men made perfect, not our brains.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
When GOD formed Adams body from the dust of the ground and prior to breathing into the nostrils the breath of life did Adam stand up and function like you or I ? No, the true Adam and the true you and I is our human spirit, the breath of life. Thought, life, intelligence and memory cannot come from matter but from spirit.


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
While pondering this, I get the idea that our fleshly brain is the dwelling place of our spirit.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
While pondering this, I get the idea that our fleshly brain is the dwelling place of our spirit.
While pondering this, I get the idea that our fleshly brain is the dwelling place of our spirit.
While pondering this, I get the idea that our fleshly brain is the dwelling place of our spirit.
I do not know the intricate details of how GODS breath in us operates but I do feel confident that matter has no life or intelligence. Science thinks certain types of proteins combined with carbon and other elements produced life. Life comes from GOD, intelligence comes from GOD.
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
I do not know the intricate details of how GODS breath in us operates but I do feel confident that matter has no life or intelligence. Science thinks certain types of proteins combined with carbon and other elements produced life. Life comes from GOD, intelligence comes from GOD.
A little off-topic, but I have found time since retirement to simply sit and watch the behavior to dogs, chickens, and cucumber plants. They all have, for lack of a better term, behaviors. This instinctive behavior has been programmed into them by God as well. I sometimes am so amazed by the things I see that I am even more humbled before God for what He has created. There is so much to ponder that there is no way that I can believe that I "know" much at all. I also believe that God knows me and that I know enough at this moment.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
A little off-topic, but I have found time since retirement to simply sit and watch the behavior to dogs, chickens, and cucumber plants. They all have, for lack of a better term, behaviors. This instinctive behavior has been programmed into them by God as well. I sometimes am so amazed by the things I see that I am even more humbled before God for what He has created. There is so much to ponder that there is no way that I can believe that I "know" much at all. I also believe that God knows me and that I know enough at this moment.
I feel the same way.