SimplyChristian Interview with Amanda Zarate

Interview with Amanda Zarate
Posted by Lori Jane
Live Streaming Broadcast
Thursday, November 12, 2020 - 05:00 PM
Until: Thursday, November 12, 2020 - 06:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

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Staff member
Jun 8, 2020
YouTube Link

Come join me as I interview Amanda Zarate of Fighting for Me, Inc. Amanda is a former Jehvoah's Witness that suffered from childhood sexual abuse and went on to not only survive but thrive. She started a non-profit business that provides free counseling to victims of sexual abuse. She is also a dedicated Christain and has written a fascinating book that I read in a day and a half - very inspiring. Come with any questions you may have related to her experience as a JW or in regards to her sexual abuse support work.

You can watch via the SimplyChristian YouTube Channel. Here is the exact link .

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Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Update from Amanda

Good morning Laureen,

Please click on the link below to hear an important message from me about Fighting For Me or you can read my message below.


I'm Amanda Zarate, founder of Fighting For Me. I want to inform you that as of January 1st, 2022 Fighting For Me is no longer offering services.

It was an absolute honor and a pleasure for me and my team at Fighting For Me to be a part of so many people's healing journey. I thank our clients for their trust, our donors for their support, and our partners for all of their help along the way.

It was my dream to help other people overcome sexual abuse - to make it easier than it was for me. I sincerely hope we accomplished that.

The time had come though for me and my board members to focus on other areas of our lives. I'm excited to spend more time with my husband and our 4 boys going to soccer games and just really being there for all of them.

The most important thing I ever did in all my years of advocating was share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who reached out. Seeing Jesus work in my life and getting to see Him work in other people's lives was by far the best part of my day. I am excited to do this more in the coming years in a new way and in a new ministry.

While you can't find Fighting For Me anymore you can still find me if you'd like to stay in touch. I'm not on there a whole lot but I do have FaceBook and Instagram (in my name). Or you might like some of the Bible studies my husband and I have put out on my YouTube channel.

Again, I just want to tell you from the bottom of my heart Thank You and God Bless You!


You are worth fighting for!

Amanda Zarate

Fighting For Me, Inc