General Information about Kid's & Vaccines

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
There are now 4 myocarditis cases at Monte Vista (

Most of the parents apparently agree with the secrecy; they could speak out but choose not to say a word to anyone outside the community. Even the parents of the injured kids are remaining silent. Why not speak out? It reminds of the fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

I disagree. I don’t think remaining silent is the right thing to do here. Suppose half the school died after taking the vaccine. Would the school say nothing? They could save hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide if they spoke out and others followed their lead. It would destroy the credibility of the CDC and break people out of their hypnotic trance doing whatever the CDC says.

Instead, Monte Vista behaves just like every other school: keep your mouth shut about the kids being injured by the vaccine. Perhaps they are thinking that maybe it will all just go away if we don’t say anything.

This kind of behavior doesn’t save lives. It fuels the false narrative and costs lives.

Students learn that if you see people being injured or killed by your government, the right thing to do is to keep your mouth shut and look the other way.

This is not consistent with what the Bible says: “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them.” James 4:17

I guess these are the new Christian values that they are teaching kids today.

Tony Fauci would be so proud of the school, the parents, and in particular, the parents of the injured kids who are choosing to remain silent so as to not alert other parents of the problem.