The article says: Mind control requires a community in order to work. The most common forms of mind control are cult mind control and mass media mind control. Wt uses both, with literature first but now since the website and broadcasting they really have more power over their controlled flock. A totalitarian sytem, that keeps on conditioning the indoctrinated.
Holy Spirit can wake people up...
We can plant a seed (like, one may remember something someone said once, that pops up when they are wakening up, for instance) And God causes it to grow.
The article also says: It would not be effective to tell the subject “you have been brainwashed” and “you don’t even sound the same anymore”. Those kinds of expressions will only put a wedge between you. A mind controlled person typically cannot hear the meaning intended by a non-mind-controlled person using such expressions. This is why it is so important to use questions to make them think. What we discussed yesterday at our Simply Christian Monotarian Fellowship meeting. Iron strengthens iron.