Experience Incredible Story from Deanna. Baptized at 10, Pioneered at 11 for 20 yrs, 25 Bible Studies-Trained by Steven Lett | Fear to Freedom Youtube channel

SC Facilitator

Staff member
Nov 29, 2022
Iack - "What would you tell Governing Body members if they actually listen to you? - Deanna - They don't listen. They don't care."

Deanna Elise Moore is a certified NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) Master Practitioner since 2005.
She came from 5 generations of Jehovah's Witnesses, spent nearly 20 yrs as a regular pioneer and was about as deeply brainwashed as you can get.
After leaving the cult 10 years ago, she recreated a new life and currently lives on 40 acres in Ecuador, practicing healing through NLP therapy and plant medicine. Currently, she's creating easy to follow programs to help exJW's THRIVE after leaving, helping people truly de-programming themselves from what is holding them back.