Poll IICSA Petition

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse in Religious Organisations and Settings England & Wales: Demand IICSA request full child sex abuse data from Jehovah's Witnesses in England & Wales - Sign the Petition! http://chng.it/zvZQPSBk via @Change

We respectfully ask that the Independent Investigation into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) in England in Wales use its statutory powers to request all held data by the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses (CCJW) and its associated entities.

CCJW has given IICSA only 67 cases – abuse committed by elders and ministerial servants in a Kingdom Hall between 2009-2019 – but that does not account for all the victims outside of these very narrow criteria. Anyone with knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses knows formal judicial procedure applies to all known as 'Publisher', and that worship is carried out beyond the walls of the Kingdom Hall.

While it still has the power, we ask that IICSA requests full data to help give a voice to the decades of victims and survivors whose child sexual abuse falls outside of these categories, from a religion that fiercely protects its own interests above those of its members.

We ask this also, so that CCJW starts being open and transparent about the number of victims in its congregations and that it understands that this damage should lead to a change in its safeguarding policies to help better protect current and future victims.

Here is an open letter with more information about the reasons behind this petition: https://avoidjw.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Open-letter-to-IICSA-19-10-2020.pdf

Signatures welcomed from all, including those who were never Jehovah's Witnesses but who understand the importance of obtaining full information in relation to serious crimes.