English Human Jesus Conference | Session 1 | The Prophet Jesus

Human Jesus Conference | Session 1 | The Prophet Jesus
Posted by Lori Jane
Livestream with Chat
Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 08:00 PM
Until: Friday, December 4, 2020 - 09:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2020

Session 1 | 12/3/20 | 8 PM EST​

Title: The Prophet Jesus

Speaker: Anthony Buzzard

This is a free conference and is an online event organized by Restoration Fellowship. This first session is kicked off by Anthony Buzzard.

To view visit this page at the designated time http://thehumanjesus.org/conference/ - once it starts you can also watch on YouTube. You will be able to make comments and ask questions.

Sir Anthony F. Buzzard​

Biography: He was born in England and holds degrees in Modern Languages (French, German) from Oxford University, a Diploma in Biblical Hebrew from the University of Jerusalem, and a Masters in Theology from Bethany Theological Seminary. He taught languages at the American School in London and theology and Biblical languages (Hebrew, Greek) for more than 25 years at Atlanta Bible College, Georgia. He co-authored The Doctrine of the Trinity: Christianity’s Self-Inflected Wound with Charles Hunting and has published many other books including Jesus Was Not a Trinitarian. He served as co-editor of A Journal from the Radical Reformation and is the current editor of the monthly Focus on the Kingdom magazine. Which is now in its 22nd year.


Paper: https://simplychristian.faith/community/threads/the-prophet-jesus.729/