
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Jesus was a human being, flesh and blood. Jesus was not GOD but he was an image of GOD spirituality. Jesus had none of the attributes; omnipresent, omnipotence or omniscience, Jesus was not eternal with no beginning or end, he did not preexist. So what was it about Jesus that gave him the right to say, I and my Father are one, if you have seen me you have seen the Father or all should honor the son as they honor the Father. GODS desire and will has been to have other beings that in some ways are identical to Him. These ways are righteousness, holiness and love. As some of you may know, I do not subscribe to the great gamble theory, the idea that it was possible that Jesus could have sinned and the statement, Jesus was a man like us in every way. These statements drag Jesus down to our level rather than seeing that we need to rise to his level that he demonstrated to us as a man. Jesus Christ was created by his GOD and Father as righteous as GOD and with the same agape love as GOD. It was impossible for Jesus to have sinned because he had the divine nature in him that we hope to have when born into the kingdom. Some say that if Jesus would not have been able to sin that the temptation of Jesus would have been a charade. The story of the temptation of Christ was to prove we had a messiah who could not sin thus making our hope in him sure and not in doubt. This false idea denies Jesus and disqualifies him as messiah. In their misguided zeal to prove Jesus is not GOD they take away from him the very qualities that make him the messiah. This dishonors Jesus and his Father. John 5:23 James 1:13 is used in their “proof” by saying GOD cannot be tempted but Jesus was tempted so Jesus cannot be GOD. Notice that they do not include the last two words of the verse, WITH EVIL. Satan tempted Jesus with evil, did it work ? GOD can be tempted, Matthew 4:7 , GOD can be tempted but not with evil. Satan knew Jesus was not GOD but what Satan did not know but discovered, Jesus could not be tempted WITH EVIL either. In addition the love of GOD cannot sin, Romans 13:10 , Jesus had agape love , John 15:9. Jesus was as righteous as his GOD. Isaiah 53:11 . John the Baptist said that Jesus did not receive a portion of the Holy Spirit as we do but received the Spirit without limit. John 3:34. Hebrews 4:15 should be seen the same way as the temptation by Satan. If I were to tempt any of you to kill your parents or children or be a pedophile how would you respond ? You see, you can be tempted by me but would you respond to the temptation and do the evil. Yes Jesus was tempted but he did not respond and do evil. GOD can also be tempted by us humans as He was tempted by Israel but GOD could never be tempted with evil. Righteousness is knowing what good and evil is but always doing the good and never doing the evil. It is being exactly like GOD and Jesus. Think about this; Jesus had no mediator but had direct contact with GOD, Jesus never sinned, Jesus was the new covenant and the gospel in the flesh, the life of Jesus was so precious to GOD that when he was sacrificed was payment for sins for all time. Does this sound like Jesus was a man like us in every way ? How can Jesus be like us in every way if we must change to become like him ?
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Give YAHWEH the glory for it all because I got this from HIM through Christ otherwise I would not know anything.