If someone understands that life is life and death is death then this should teach you that you are not immortal. It should teach that the heaven and hell idea is not true. It should teach what a soul really is. It should teach that salvation is not going to a place to live your immortal existence but is life itself. It should teach that your being judged now not at death. That there is no need to be concerned about living or dead loved ones going to hell. It should teach God's love. It should teach the trinity or binary idea of God is wrong. I could go on but I hope I have made my point clear. Just knowing one truth of God should lead you into more. Churches of this world keep hammering away on the same things. I have studied them and have found that most all have some truth but never grow. These churches have reached a plateau, there is no growth in truth and spirituality are dead like the Sardis church in Revelation 3:1-6 I have noticed that these churches become obsessed for the most part on one teaching and that is their main focus. There is never a new truth revealed to them because they have long ago ceased asking, seeking and knocking. The truth they do have because of their obsession also opens a door for Satan to take advantage and sow lies among the truth thus making all of it a lie. A true church is to grow in grace and knowledge else it will die. When was the last time your church announced that God has revealed a new truth ? Today many churches are closing their doors for a variety of reasons and those still open for business have customers who are old and fear going to hell. Churches try all kinds of gimmicks to lure in more tithe payers or offering plate donors. Satan moves in and around them as an angel of light with his ministers aiding him. Their worship services are vain repititions heard every time they meet. The churches I attended before my enlightenment were all this way. How about you, is your church living or dead ? Are the truths of God your continued building blocks ? Are you on a plateau or still climbing the mountain ? If not perhaps you should look elsewhere with God guiding you.