Scripture mentions two different ways to think; carnally or spiritually. To be carnally minded or think carnally is death but to be spiritually minded or think spiritually is life and peace. Romans 8:6 Carnal people cannot understand things of the spirit and see them as foolishness because spiritual things can only be understood by the spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:14 . Any comparisons that are made in the study of scripture must not compare carnal with spiritual. 1 Corinthians 2:13 .
I have encountered people who frown on being spiritually minded and say that we should not spiritualize everything. WE should not be in a "bible bubble" . This in itself is carnal and is death. To often these people bring a spiritual thought only part way then end it with a carnal conclusion.

An example of this is that they know angels are spirit beings, that are composed entirely of spirit. Then they claim the change Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 15:52 is to glorified flesh but Jesus says we will be as the angels in Mark 12:25 . Then Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:44 that there is a natural body and a spiritual body. The carnal minded believe in GOD but define GOD carnally by confusing who Father, son and Holy Spirit really are when the scriptures are clear as to the identities but their minds can’t comprehend it. Scripture is very plain that life after death is only by a resurrection of the dead for those who are in Christ only, but many believe in other ways to live beyond death. Carnal minds think that because a doctrine is very old and is believed by the vast majority it must be true. There are many more pagan religions in the world than Christian and some of them as old as Christianity.

The carnal mind is especially open to Satanic visions, false prophecy and other signs and lying wonders. Galatians 1:8 Revelations 13:13 Jeremiah 14:14 Jeremiah 23:16 Ezekiel 13:7,16 Ezekiel 21:19 1 Kings 13:18 2 Corinthians 11:13,14 2 Thessalonians 2:9 Matthew 12:22 Acts 8:9,10,11 Exodus 7:10,11 Exodus 7:19,20 Exodus 8:6,7 Satan and his demons are capable of much more than people think. Demons have access to our minds / spirits and can cause us to see and hear things . The church was well aware of Satans devices and when they came together the prophets all spoke in turn while the others would listen and consider then render judgment as to the validity of the revelation. This was how they prevented lies from entering the church. 1 Corinthians 14:29

It is the way spiritual knowledge and truth is acquired that is important. Everyone born into the world is a child of Satan, completely cut off from GOD. Ephesians 2:12 They cannot choose GOD, GOD must choose them and of all the people since Adam, GOD will choose 144000. The scriptures give the names of people before Christ that were saints, having the Holy Spirit, knowing the gospel and desiring the appearance of the messiah and hoped for the kingdom of GOD. See Hebrews 11 There were very few in the time before Christ that met these conditions. After Christ, the church may have reached about ten to fifteen thousand members at its peak but persecution and deception entered and the church declined. 2 Timothy 1:15 3 John 1:9,10 Jude 1:4 Acts 20:29,30,31 False churches came in to replace the true church and the false became great in number while the true was exceedingly small in number. What people think is Christianity is actually Satanic, synagogues of Satan.

This situation is what GOD calls people out of. Most people have been called but ignored it or do not recognize it and this is why few are chosen. YAHWEH calls out the elect but the rest of humanity remains blinded John 12:40 Romans 11:25,32 Romans 9:18 because only to the elect are the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD revealed and are not given to the world. Matthew 13:11 John 6:65 The strong delusion mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 is misunderstood as GOD causing delusion or deception which HE does not, that is Satans doing, GOD simply allows the deception to keep the uncalled and unchosen in ignorance rather than they having the truth and turning from it. 2 Peter 2:21. Hebrews 6:4,5,6 Therefore it is as Jesus said, Matthew 13:11 and this is why in this age there are so very few called and chosen. This is why scripture says, 2 Peter 3:9 Isaiah 30:18 Ezekiel 33:11 1Timothy 2:3

Carnal minds cannot grasp what GOD has done and why GOD does them in the way HE does. Carnal minds think GOD is trying to save the entire world at this time when HE only saves a few. GOD loves all people and wants them to have the very best opportunity to have salvation but in HIS omniscient mind has in eternity known who will be in HIS kingdom and who will not. Is there not a lambs book of life that was written, Revelation 21:27 Exodus 32:32,33 Luke 10:20 Revelation 3:5 Revelation 13:8 Revelation 20:12,15 In the final analysis it has always been that YAHWEH has been in charge, has always known all things and has always had all power to accomplish HIS will.

Ezekiel 34:10,11,12 Just as the carnal nation of Israel failed their GOD so has carnal Christianity. The false shepherds of both were removed and the good shepherd has taken over. John 10:11,12,13,14,16 The hired hand is the pastor, preacher, minister, or any other person who thinks they are shepherds but are not. Verse 16 he says, I have other sheep not of this fold showing us this is not the only day of salvation. Isaiah 40:11 Psalm 23:1
YAHWEH has appointed Jesus to be the shepherd that guides HIS people to HIM. John 14:6