Question How do I stop feeling overwhelmed by guilt and negativity?


Staff member
Jun 8, 2020
How do I stop feeling overwhelmed by guilt and negativity?


Active member
Bible Challenge
Oct 3, 2020
Some quotes I got from other places, and added to ...

Spend more time with positive people

Change the way you think. The one thing nobody can take away from you is the way you choose to respond to what others say and do. The problem isn’t the events that are negative. The problem is the way you react to those events.

Love whoever is around to be loved. Practice acts of kindness. It’s a lot harder to be negative when you’re in the presence of love and kindness. Be that presence whenever possible. Let your guard down. Talk to someone you don’t know straight from your heart.

Realize that life is a series of ups and downs. Acknowledge the negativity, accept it, and let it pass through your consciousness. Realize that it will pass like a wave, and you will feel feel better soon

Concentrate on today. Too often, we carry around things from our past that hurt us – regrets, shame, anger, pain, etc.
Don’t let these negative points from the past rob your present happiness. You had to live though these things in the past, and although unfortunate, they can’t be changed. But if the only place they live today is in your mind, then let go, move on. You can decide right now that negative experiences from your past will not predict your future.

Think of it this way: An entire body of water the size of the Pacific Ocean can’t sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, all the negativity in the world can’t bring you down unless you allow it to dwell inside your head.
People who are able to discern the positive points in negative situations are the ones who prosper in the long run.