How Did Moses and God's People Survive In The Wilderness

Judy Lund

Bible Challenge
(The following info was taken from an article entitled, "One of the Biggest Arithmetical Miracles in the World." It was compiled by a US Military Official, and it deals with the care and feeding of the 3 to 3 and a half million people Moses with God's help brought them out of Egypt into the Wilderness.)

FOOD...1500 TONS of food each day, would require 2 Freight Trains 1 mile long EACH.

FIREWOOD for Cooking...4,000 TONS a day, would require a few more freight trains!

WATER to Drink and Wash a few dishes....11,000,000 Gallons a day, would require a Freight Train with Tank Cars 1800 miles LONG. No Lakes in the wilderness and only a few wells.

CROSSING the RED SEA in 1 night...if they had crossed 2x2, it would form a line 800 miles long and would require 35 days AND nights to cross. Crossing in 1 night would take a space in the sea 3 miles wide so they could cross 5,000 abreast.

CAMPING EVERY NIGHT...would require a space 2/3rds the size of Rhode Island, or 750 square miles, or 25 miles wide and 130 miles long!

REMEMBER...THE ISRAELITES WERE 40 YEARS IN TRANSIT IN THE WILDERNESS! And we know from Deuteronomy 29: 5: "Durning the forty years that I your GOD led you through the desert, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your feet."

I do not know the accuracy of all of this but I do know 1 thing. We serve a GREAT GOD who can do the impossible! AMEN!
Judy Lund