General foundation of the world

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Ephesians 1:4

4 as he chose us to be in union with him before the founding of the world, that we should be holy and unblemishedc before him in love.

New World Translation

founding of the world: The Greek word for “founding” is rendered “to conceive” at Heb 11:11, where it is used with “offspring.” Here used in the expression “founding of the world,” it apparently refers to the birth of children to Adam and Eve. Jesus associates “the founding of the world” with Abel, evidently the first redeemable human of the world of mankind whose name had been written in the scroll of life “from the founding of the world.”—Lu 11:51; Re 17:8; see study note on Mt 25:34.
just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him in love,

W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Eph 1:4.

foundation of the world Implies that God made His choice at some unidentified time in the past.

This phrase is found elsewhere in the NT: John speaks of the Father’s love for the Son “before the foundation of the world” (John 17:24); 1 Peter refers to God’s plan of salvation through the lamb being known “before the foundation of the world” (1 Pet 1:20); Revelation describes the names in the “book of life” as being written “before the foundation of the world” (Rev 13:8).

John D. Barry et al., Faithlife Study Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012, 2016), Eph 1:4.

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Tom Wright, Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2004), 7–10.

The Choice and the Plan

4 He chose us in him before the world was made, so as to be holy and irreproachable before him in love. 5 He foreordained us for himself, to be adopted through Jesus the king. That’s how he wanted it, and that’s what gave him delight, 6 so that the glory of his grace, the grace he poured on us in his beloved one, might receive its due praise.
7 In the king, and through his blood, we have deliverance—that is, our sins have been forgiven—through the wealth of his grace 8 which he lavished on us. Yes, with all wisdom and insight 9 he has made known to us the secret of his purpose, just as he wanted it to be and set it forward in him 10 as a blueprint for when the time was ripe. His plan was to sum up the whole cosmos in the king—yes, everything in heaven and on earth, in him.

Have you noticed how sometimes you have a story in the back of your mind which keeps peeping out even when you’re talking about something else?
Imagine you’ve come back from work and the train has been late again. You stood for half an hour on the station platform getting cold and cross. Then when it arrived it was so full of people you had to stand, uncomfortably, all the way home.

But when you tell your family about the trip you find you’re also telling them a larger story. Everybody knows that the trains aren’t running properly because the present government has allowed them to get worse and worse so that they can have an excuse to introduce a new scheme of their own. But there’s an election coming soon, and then you’ll be able to vote out this government and put in another one that might at last get you a decent train service.

So as you talk about your anger over this evening’s train ride, you are talking as well about your anger with the present government. And as you talk about how things could be better with the train you normally catch, you are talking as well about how good things are going to be with the new government. There is a larger framework, a larger story, within which your own smaller stories become more interesting and important.

Paul’s great prayer at the opening of this letter is a celebration of the larger story within which every single Christian story—every story of individual conversion, faith, spiritual life, obedience and hope—is set. Only by understanding and celebrating the larger story can we hope to understand everything that’s going on in our own smaller stories, and so observe God at work in and through our own lives.

The prayer itself falls into three sections, though each one is tied so closely to the others, and overlaid with so much praise and celebration, that sometimes it’s difficult to see what’s going on. Verses 4–6 are the first paragraph, following the introductory word of praise in verse 3. Verses 7–10 are the second, and verses 11–14 round the prayer off. Let’s look at them in turn.

Verses 4–6 celebrate the fact that God’s people in the Messiah are chosen by grace. This is, perhaps, the most mysterious thing of all. God, the creator, ‘chose us in him’, that is, in the king, ‘before the world was made’; and he ‘foreordained us for himself’.

Many people, including many devout Christians, have found this shocking, or even unbelievable. How can God choose some and not others? How can being a follower of Jesus Christ be a matter of God’s prior decision, overriding any decision or freedom of our own?

Various answers can be given to this. We have to be careful here. Paul emphasizes throughout this paragraph that everything we have in Christ is a gift of God’s grace; and in the next chapter he will declare that before this grace reached down to us we were ‘dead’, and needing to be ‘made alive’ (2:5). We couldn’t lift a finger to help ourselves; the rescue we needed had to come from God’s side. That’s one of the things this opening section is celebrating.

The second thing, which is often missed in discussions of this point, is that our salvation in Christ is a vital stage, but only a stage, on the way to the much larger purpose of God. God’s plan is for the whole cosmos, the entire universe; his choosing and calling of us, and his shaping and directing of us in the Messiah, are somehow connected with that larger intention. How this works out we shall see a little later. But the point is that we aren’t chosen for our own sake, but for the sake of what God wants to accomplish through us.

This alerts us to the other hidden story which Paul is telling all through this great prayer. It is the story of the Exodus from Egypt. God chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be the bearers of his promised salvation for the world—the rescue of the whole cosmos, humankind especially, from the sin and death that had come about through human rebellion. When Paul says that God chose us ‘in Christ’—the ‘us’ here being the whole company of Christians, Jews and Gentiles alike—he is saying that those who believe in Jesus are now part of the fulfilment of that ancient purpose.

But the story, of course, doesn’t stop there. In verses 7–10 Paul tells the story of the cross of Jesus in such a way that we can hear, underneath it, the ancient Jewish story of Passover. Passover was the night when the angel of death came through the land of Egypt, and the blood of the lamb sprinkled on the doorposts rescued the Israelites from the judgment that would otherwise have fallen on them. The word often used for that moment was ‘redemption’ or ‘deliverance’: it was the time when God went to Egypt and ‘bought’ for himself the people that had been enslaved there. Now, again in fulfilment of the old story, the true ‘redemption’ has occurred. Forgiveness of sins is the real ‘deliverance’ from the real slavemaster. And it’s been accomplished through the sacrificial blood of Jesus.

Telling the story like this—the story of Jesus the Messiah, and the meaning of his death, told in such a way as to bring out the fact that it’s the fulfilment of the Exodus story—is a classic Jewish way of celebrating the goodness of God. Worship, for Christians, will almost always involve telling the story of what God has done in and through Jesus. From the beginning, such storytelling built on the stories of God’s earlier actions on Israel’s behalf. The prayer will now conclude by moving forwards from the Christian version of the Exodus to the Christian version of the promised land.

Take some time, as you ponder Paul’s prayer, to reflect on what it meant for him, in prison, to write in praise of the God who has set us free. Then open your heart in prayer on behalf of those who today still long that what God did in Christ might become a reality in their daily lives.

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
1:4 He chose us in him: The idea of divine election flows out of the important theme of spiritual union, for election is “in Christ.” The doctrine of election is one of the most central and one of the most misunderstood teachings of the Bible. At its most basic level, election refers to God’s plan whereby he accomplishes his will. The meaning of election is best understood as God’s sovereign initiative in bringing persons to faith in Christ, resulting in a special covenant relationship with him. This theme serves as a foundation to the entire opening section of Ephesians, which includes the phrases God “chose us” (v. 4); “predestined us” (v. 5); and “predestined according to the plan” (v. 11). Paul’s focus on the Christ-centered character of election is vitally important. God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world. This indicates the centrality of the gospel in God’s plan for history. We are chosen to be holy and blameless. Holiness and blamelessness are the results, not the basis, of God’s election.

David S. Dockery, “Ephesians,” in CSB Study Bible: Notes, ed. Edwin A. Blum and Trevin Wax (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2017), 1870.

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Greek pronunciation [prah ah RID zoh]
CSB translation predestine
Uses in Ephesians 2
Uses in the NT 6
Focus passage Ephesians 1:5, 11
Proorizō (predestine, predetermine) first appears in Greek literature in the writings of Paul, who may have coined the term. In the NT, this verb consistently refers to God’s predetermined plan to culminate salvation history in the person of Jesus Christ. For this reason, God the Father is always the subject of this verb in the NT. The early church saw Jesus’s sufferings as the predetermined plan of God in accordance with OT Scriptures (Ac 4:28). The whole of the Christian salvation experience has been predestined by God. Christians have received both their calling and adoption into the rights of Christian sonship because of God’s loving predetermination (Rm 8:30; Eph 1:5, 11). God has predetermined those whom he foreknew (see proginōskō; Rm 11:2) to be ultimately conformed to the image of his Son Jesus (Rm 8:29). Finally, God predetermined before the ages his mysterious plan of salvation (1Co 2:7).

David S. Dockery, “Ephesians,” in CSB Study Bible: Notes, ed. Edwin A. Blum and Trevin Wax (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2017), 1870.

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Verse 4. According as he hath chosen us in him] As he has decreed from the beginning of the world, and has kept in view from the commencement of the religious system of the Jews, (which the phrase sometimes means,) to bring us Gentiles to the knowledge of this glorious state of salvation by Christ Jesus. The Jews considered themselves an elect or chosen people, and wished to monopolize the whole of the Divine love and beneficence. The apostle here shows that God had the Gentiles as much in the contemplation of his mercy and goodness as he had the Jews; and the blessings of the Gospel, now so freely dispensed to them, were the proof that God had thus chosen them, and that his end in giving them the Gospel was the same which he had in view by giving the law to the Jews, viz. that they might be holy and without blame before him. And as his object was the same in respect to them both, they should consider that, as he loved them, so they should love one another: God having provided for each the same blessings, they should therefore be ἁγιους, holy—fully separated from earth and sin, and consecrated to God and αμωμους, without blame—having no spot nor imperfection, their inward holiness agreeing with their outward consecration. The words are a metaphor taken from the perfect and immaculate sacrifices which the law required the people to bring to the altar of God. But as love is the fulfilling of the law, and love the fountain whence their salvation flowed, therefore love must fill their hearts towards God and each other, and love must be the motive and end of all their words and works.

Adam Clarke, The Holy Bible with a Commentary and Critical Notes, New Edition., vol. 6 (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife Corporation, 2014), 431.

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
4 καθὼς ἐξελέξατο ἡμᾶς ἐν αὐτῷ πρὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου, “even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world.” For the force of καθώς see the comments under Form/Structure/Setting. In elaborating on and grounding the thematic statement of v 3 the great theme of God’s electing purpose is introduced. The writer asserts that God has blessed believers both because and to the extent that he elected them. The number and variety of words used in this passage to describe God’s purpose is impressive: ἐξελέξατο, “chose” (v 4); προορίσας, “predestined,” εὐδοκία, “good pleasure,” θέλημα, “will” (v 5); θέλημα, εὐδοκία, προέθετο, “purposed” (v 9); ἐκληρώθημεν, “appointed,” προορισθέντες, “predestined,” πρόθεσις, “plan,” βουλή, “purpose,” θέλημα (v 11). God’s sovereign purpose in choosing out a people for himself is of course a familiar idea in the OT (e.g., Deut 7:6–8; 14:2), which witnesses to Israel’s consciousness of God’s choice of her in the midst of the twists and turns in her historical fortunes. God had chosen Abraham so that in him the nations of the earth would be blessed, and Israel’s election was not for her own self-indulgence but for the blessing of the nations: it was a privilege but also a summons to service. Christian believers also had this consciousness of being chosen to be the people of God. The new element is signaled by the ἐν αὐτῷ phrase. Their sense of God’s gracious choice of them was inextricably interwoven with their sense of belonging to Christ. God’s design for them to be his people had been effected in and through Christ. They saw him as God’s Chosen One (see below on “in the Beloved,” 1:6). Indeed, Paul in Gal 3 treats Christ as in a sense fulfilling Israel’s election. Christ is the offspring of Abraham par excellence (3:16), and in Christ the blessing of Abraham has come to the Gentiles (3:14) so that they too, because they are Christ’s, are Abraham’s offspring (3:29). The notion of being chosen in Christ here in Ephesians is likely then to include the idea of incorporation into Christ as the representative on whom God’s gracious decision was focused. In respect to that merciful decision of love, which governs God’s plan for his creation, the believing community is aware of its solidarity with Christ. It is by explicitly linking the notion of election to that of being “in Christ” that Ephesians takes further the discussion of election found in the undisputed Pauline letters.
God’s choice of his people in Christ is said to have taken place “before the foundation of the world.” This phrase indicates an element in the thinking about election which cannot be found in the OT and occurs only later in Jewish literature, e.g., Joseph and Asenath 8.9 (A); Midr. Ps. 74.1; Midr. Ps.93.3; Gen Rab. 1.5 (cf. also Hofius, ZNW 61 [1971] 125–27). Elsewhere in the NT the phrase “before the foundation of the world” is used of God’s love for Christ (John 17:24) and his purpose for Christ (1 Pet 1:20), but in regard to believers passages elsewhere in the Pauline corpus provide the closest parallels. In 2 Thess 2:13 the best reading is probably “from the beginning” and its best interpretation is probably as a reference to God’s choice from the beginning of time. In 2 Tim 1:9 grace is said to have been given to believers before eternal times, while in Rom 8:29 the prefix in προγινώσκειν, “to foreknow,” is usually held to indicate that God’s electing knowledge of believers precedes not simply their knowledge of him but the creation of the world. In comparison with Rom 8:28–30 and its eschatological focus, the language of Eph 1:4, by making the pretemporal aspect of election explicit, sets salvation in protological perspective.
Such language functions to give believers assurance of God’s purposes for them. Its force is that God’s choice of them was a free decision not dependent on temporal circumstances but rooted in the depth of his nature. To say that election in Christ took place before the foundation of the world is to underline that it was provoked not by historical contingency or human merit, but solely by God’s sovereign grace. It is the notion of preexistence which makes this formulation possible. If God’s election of believers took place before the foundation of the world in Christ, this could well presuppose the existence of Christ before the foundation of the world (cf. Col 1:15, 16). Schlier (49) speaks of the Christian adaptation of the Jewish theologoumenon of the preexistence not only of the Messiah but also of the people of salvation, but there are grave difficulties with dating the evidence for either concept in Jewish writings before 70 C.E. (cf. J. D. G. Dunn, Christology in the Making [London: SCM, 1980] 70–82; Hofius, ZNW 62 [1971] 123–28). Probably then the notion of the election of believers in Christ has been combined with that of the preexistence of Christ. This does not imply the preexistence of the Church, an idea which can be found later in early Christian writings (cf. 2 Clem 14.1; Herm. Vis. 1.1.6; 2.4.1). It is not the Church but the choice of the Church which precedes the foundation of the world. So if there is to be any talk of the preexistence of the Church, it can only be of “ideal” preexistence, i.e., in the mind or counsel of God (cf. Barth, 112; Gnilka, 70, 71; Hamerton-Kelly, Pre-existence, Wisdom, and the Son of Man [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973] 180–82).
It is significant that the language of election before the foundation of the world occurs here in the context of thanksgiving (cf. also 1 Thess 1:4; 2:13). It is part of an expression of gratitude for God’s inexplicable grace, not a logical deduction about the destiny of individuals based on the immutability of God’s decrees. And, unlike the language of Rom 9:13, 18, 22, Eph 1:4 provokes absolutely no speculation about the negative side of election, reprobation. Overwhelmed by the blessing of being chosen in Christ, the writer does not attempt to find explanations but can only praise the God who is the source of such blessing.
εἶναι ἡμᾶς ἁγίους καὶ ἀμώμους κατενώπιον αὐτοῦ ἐν ἀγάπῃ, “to be holy and blameless before him in love.” God’s choice of a people in Christ has a goal—that they should exhibit a particular quality of life, described here in terms of holiness and love. For the reasons for connecting “in love” with the goal of election, see the discussion under Form/Structure/Setting above. In Phil 1:9, 10 and 1 Thess 3:12, 13 Paul prays for these same features to characterize believers’ lives—love in the present and holiness and blamelessness in view of the Parousia. The actual wording of the latter qualities in Ephesians, ἁγίους καὶ ἀμώμους κατενώπιον αὐτοῦ, is taken from Col 1:22, where, as here, there is no clear connection with the Parousia and the words describe believers’ present lives. If ἅγιος in 1:1 denoted primarily status, here in 1:4 it indicates the moral condition that belongs to such a status. It is closely connected with ἄμωμος and both have a cultic background. That which is separated to God, such as a sacrificial animal (cf. LXX Exod 29:37, 38; Num 6:14; 19:2) must be without defect. Already in the OT such terminology is also used for ethical purity (e.g., LXX Ps 14:2; 17:24). In Eph 1:4 holiness, blamelessness, and love are complementary terms. On its negative side, holiness is the absence of moral defect or sin, i.e., blamelessness, while, on its positive side, as moral perfection, it displays itself in love which is the fulfillment of God’s will. Moral separation from the sinful world and active love are qualities which, in fact, provide a good summary of the ethical exhortation to follow in the second part of this letter. In this reference a theocentric perspective predominates, for a life of holiness, blamelessness, and love has its source in and is a response to the gracious election of God and is lived “before him,” that is, conscious that God’s presence and God’s approval are one’s ultimate environment.

Andrew T. Lincoln, Ephesians, vol. 42, Word Biblical Commentary (Dallas: Word, Incorporated, 1990), 22–25.

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Ver. 4. According as He hath chosen us before the foundation of the world.—

I. Let us consider THE CAUSE, FOUNTAIN, ORIGIN OF THE BLESSINGS OF SALVATION—“according as He hath chosen us.” The blessings which we enjoy, the apostle affirms, are in consequence of God’s having chosen us, that we might become partakers of them in all their extent and fulness. To this source alone are they to be traced. How comes it that the Church of God’s “saints and faithful” thus stands distinguished from the ungodly world, in the blessings it enjoys, the favours reserved for it, and the eternal glory it shall inherit? 1. It is a matter of fact concerning which this question is raised. Whatever may be the solution of the question, or difficulties connected with it, there is no denying or concealing the fact itself, that there has been, is, and will be, a distinction among men—a difference—a separation—as respects their state and character before God, and their ultimate destiny. 2. This fact cannot be accounted for by any reference to individual or personal distinctions of character or worthiness. 3. We reach the only reasonable account of the matter when we adopt the Scriptural explanation, and ascribe “all spiritual blessing in the heavenlies” as enjoyed by God’s people to His free-electing love, “according as He hath chosen us.” If you wished to explore the true source of some majestic river, which in its course beautifies and blesses the earth, as it flows through thousands of miles to the great ocean, you would not pause at some expanding lake which it fills and empties, nor ascend the route of some acceding tributary which helps to swell its volume; but, keeping by the main channel, and leaving behind you the verdant plain and the smiling hamlet and the sleeping lake, you ascend high up the mountain steep, and there hidden in the cleft of the rock you discover the little bubbling spring that marks the origin and fountain and true rising-place of that noble stream. So, taught and guided by God’s Word, when you would trace to its true fountain the stream of spiritual blessing which blesses you “in the heavenlies,” you pause not at any works or deeds of yours, you point not to any superiority natural or acquired over others, you fix not even on “faith” and “repentance” (as if these all did not need to be accounted for!), but, in all humility, yet with all thankfulness, you rest in the elective love of God, as the original and actual cause of all. You hear Paul saying, and you must echo the acknowledgment, “according as He hath chosen us,” whilst with John you gaze on that “pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.”
II. We come now to consider the second thing in our text, viz.: HOW THIS ELECTING LOVE OF GOD—the cause or fountain of salvation—COMES INTO BEING AND OPERATION—“hath chosen us in Him,” i.e., in Christ. A virtual or representative union was formed by God, between sinners of mankind and Christ, when He purposed their salvation. A covenant was entered into between God, of the one part, and Christ constituted the head of the Church and its representative, of the other part. In terms of this covenant Christ was to do the will of God; i.e., fulfil the requirements of law, suffer its penalty and perform its duties, in room and stead of His people; and God, on His part, was to confer on them His Spirit, work holiness in their natures, and at last receive them into eternal mansions.
III. In the third place we are here taught WHEN THE ELECTION TOOK PLACE, viz., “before the foundation of the world.” This surely must be allowed to carry us far back, beyond the operation of human merit or agency. 1. There is no room, then, for chance, uncertainty, or hazard. God’s plans are complete, and His purposes definite. Doubtless He has chosen, on the whole, the greatest good of the universe as His object; and, in “the election unto grace,” only displays a part of His glorious and all-comprehending plan. 2. Again, we are taught in this not only God’s wisdom, but also His sovereignty. This, at least, is a precious truth—that the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. What comfort, otherwise, would there be in contemplating a scene where sin abounds and agents of darkness are abroad on the earth?
IV. This suggests to us the fourth topic in our text, viz., WHY, OR FOR WHAT END GOD HATH CHOSEN US IN HIM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD—“that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.” It is an old saying: “God does not find, but makes men holy.” It is evident, indeed, that none are chosen because they are holy or blameless, but some are chosen in order that they may become so. (W. Alves, M.A.)

The doctrine of election:—
I. THE SPIRITUAL BLESSING. 1. The term election is sometimes used for that election which is made in temporary execution of God’s purpose; (1) whether it be a separating of men to the state of grace, which makes them as the chosen first-fruits of the creation (John 15:19; 1 Pet. 1:2); or (2) a separating of them to any office and dignity. Saul, Judas. 2. But here it means that choice which God made with Himself from all eternity. From this flow all the blessings we receive, even as the body and boughs and branches of the tree issue from the root. What a cause for thankfulness is here!
II. THE PERSONS. Those who have true faith and holiness. As we may know faith, so we may know election. If we see in any a faith unfeigned and true endeavour after holiness, we may charitably judge that such are elected.
III. THE ORDER OF ELECTION. 1. Christ, the Head. 2. From Christ it descends to us His members.
IV. THE TIME. Before all worlds (2 Tim. 1:9; John 17:24).
V. THE END. 1. God has of grace chosen us to the supernatural life. 2. He has not only chosen us to this supernatural life, but to the perfection of it. 3. He has called us to this life, that we may live for ever in His presence. (Paul Bayne.)

God’s elective grace:—It would be a narrow and superficial view of these words to suppose them to refer only to the enjoyment of external privilege, or to imagine that they are meant to level Jewish pride, and that they describe simply the choice of the Gentiles to religious blessings. The purpose of the election is, that its objects should be holy, an end that cannot fail, for they are in Christ, and “in Him they are complete.” Yet the sovereign love of God is strikingly manifested even in the bestowment of external advantage. Ephesus enjoyed what many a city in Asia Minor wanted. The motive that took Paul to Ephesus, and the wind that sped the bark which carried him, were alike of God’s creation. It was not because God chanced to look down from His high throne, and saw the Ephesians bowing at the shrine of Diana, and worshipping “the image that fell from Jupiter,” that His heart was moved, and He resolved to give them the gospel. Nor was it because its citizens had a deeper relish for virtue and peace than masses of the population around them, that He sent among them the grace of His Spirit. “He is of one mind, and who can turn Him?” Every purpose is eternal, and awaits an evolution in the fulness of the time, which is neither antedated nor postponed. The same difficulties are involved in this choice to the external blessing, as are found in the election of men to personal salvation. The whole procedure lies in the domain of pure sovereignty, and there can therefore be no partiality where none have any claim. The choice of Abraham is the great fact which explains and gives name to the doctrine. Why then should the race of Shem be selected to the exclusion of Ham and Japheth? Why of all the families in Shem should that of Terah be chosen? and why of all the members of Terah’s house should the individual Abraham be marked out, and set apart by God to be the father of a new race? As well impugn the fact as attempt to upset the doctrine. Providence presents similar views of the Divine procedure. One is born in Europe with a fair face, and becomes enlightened and happy; another is born in Africa with a sable countenance, and is doomed to slavery and wretchedness. One has his birth from Christian parents, and is trained in virtue from his earlier years; another has but a heritage of shame from his father, and the shadow of the gallows looms over his cradle. One is an heir of genius; another, with some malformation of brain, is an idiot. Some, under the enjoyment of Christian privilege, live and die unimpressed; others, with but scanty opportunities, believe, and grow eminent in piety. Does not more seem really to be done by God externally for the conversion of others who live and die in impenitence, than for many who believe and are saved? And yet the Divine prescience and predestination are not incompatible with human responsibility. Man is free, perfectly free, for his moral nature is never strained or violated. Foreknowledge, which is only another phase of electing love, no more changes the nature of a future incident, than after-knowledge can affect an historical fact. God’s grace fits men for heaven, but men by unbelief prepare themselves for hell. It is not man’s non-election, but his continued sin, that leads to his eternal ruin. Action is not impeded by the certainty of the Divine foreknowledge. He who believes that God has appointed the hour of his death is not fettered by such a faith in the earnest use of every means to prolong his life. And God does not act arbitrarily or capriciously. He has the best of reasons for His procedure, though He does not choose to disclose them to us. (John Eadie, D.D.)

God the author of the plan of salvation:—Christians have no grounds for self-felicitation in their possession of holiness and hope, as if with their own hand they had inscribed their names in the Book of Life. Their possession of “all spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” is not self-originated. Its one author is God, and He has conferred it in harmony with His eternal purpose regarding them. His is all the work, and His is all the glory. And therefore the apostle glories in this eternal election. It is cause of deep and prolonged thankfulness, not of gloom, distrust, or perplexity. The very eternity of design clothes the plan of salvation with a peculiar nobleness. It has its origin in an eternity behind us, and its consummation in an eternity before us. Kindness, the result of momentary impulse, has not and cannot have such claim to gratitude, as a beneficence which is the fruit of a matured and predetermined arrangement. The grace which springs from eternal choice must command the deepest homage of our nature. (Ibid.)

Salvation an eternal provision for human need:—The eternity of the plan suggests another thought. It is this—salvation is an original thought and resolution. It is no novel expedient struck out in the fertility of Divine ingenuity, after God’s first purpose in regard to man had failed through man’s apostasy. It is no afterthought, but the embodiment of a design which, foreseeing our ruin, had made preparation for it. (Ibid.)

The object of the Divine election:—In the words “That we should be holy and without blame before Him,” we have the object of the Divine election declared, and the co-operation of the elect implied, by the inseparable connection of holiness with election. There is an instructive parallel in Col. 1:22, “He hath reconciled you in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy and unblamable, and unreprovable in His sight.” The word “without blame,” or “unblamable,” is properly without blemish; and the word “unreprovable” more nearly corresponds to our idea of one unblamable—i.e., one against whom no charge can be brought. Here God is said to have “chosen” us, in the other passage to have “presented” us (comp. the sacrificial use of the word in Rom. 12:1), in Christ, to be “holy and without blemish.” It seems clear that the words refer not to justification in Christ, but to sanctification in Him. They express the positive and negative aspects of holiness; the positive in the spirit of purity, the negative in the absence of spot or blemish. The key to their interpretation is to be found in the idea of Rom. 8:29, “whom He did foreknow, He did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son.” The word “without blame” is applied to our Lord (in Heb. 9:14; 1 Pet. 1:19) as a lamb “without blemish.” To Him alone it applies perfectly; to us, in proportion to that conformity to His image. The words “before Him” refer us to God’s unerring judgment as contrasted with the judgment of men, and even our own judgment on ourselves (comp. 1 Cor. 4:3, 4; 1 John 3:20, 21) (A. Barry, D.D.)

The antiquity of our final humanity:—The word foundation. (καταβολὴ) suggests a descent, or letting down. But since we were chosen in Christ “before the foundation of the world,” let us joy with reverence over the priority of our original nature, and not confound ourselves with any of the products of time. We are clothed upon with temporal nature, but we are not children of time. We are fallen into time, but we are from eternity. From of old, God loved us with an everlasting love. There is nothing in the world that represents to us either what we were, or what we shall be. Long before the geological eras began, long before the great chaotic age, and long before that first of all the sad changes, namely, the angel-fall, God beheld His final human race, perfect in His Son. Whatever we have become through the two great falls, in heaven, and in earth, in Christ Jesus we are the holy children of eternity. Our right home is in our Father’s house, amid the first-born eternal glories. It is not strange, therefore, that there should be a spirit in us which refuses to rest in anything under the sun, as our final condition. That which was “elect and precious,” before the foundation of the world, lingers in us. (John Pulsford.)

Election and holiness:—God elected us as well to the means as to the end. Note this. For as they (in Acts 27:31) could not come safe to land if any left the ship, so neither can men come to heaven but by holiness. (John Trapp.)

Predestination to holiness:—It would be a poor proof that I were on my voyage to India, that with glowing eloquence and thrilling poetry, I could discourse on the palm groves and spice isles of the East. Am I on the waters? Is the sail hoisted to the wind? and does the land of my birth look blue and faint in the distance? The doctrine of election may have done harm to many, but only because they have fancied themselves elected to the end, and have forgotten that those whom Scripture calls elected are elected to the means. The Bible never speaks of men as elected to be saved from the shipwreck, but only as elected to tighten the ropes and hoist the sails and stand at the rudder. Let a man search faithfully: let him see that when Scripture describes Christians as elected, it is as elected to faith, as elected to sanctification, as elected to obedience; and the doctrine of election will be nothing but a stimulus to effort. It will not act as a soporific. I shall cut away the boat, and let drive all human devices, and gird myself, amid the fierceness of the tempest, to steer the shattered vessel into port. (H. Melvill, B.D.) Of election to everlasting life:
I. Our first business is, to show WHAT ELECTION IS. It is that decree of God whereby some men are chosen out from among the rest of mankind, and appointed to obtain eternal life by Jesus Christ, flowing from the mere good pleasure of God; as appears from the text. So the elect are they whom God has chosen to everlasting life (Acts 13:48).
II. I proceed to show WHO ARE ELECTED. Who they are in particular, God only knows; but in general we say, that it is not all men, but some only. For where all are taken, there is no choice made.
III. The next head is to show WHAT THEY ARE CHOSEN TO. 1. They are chosen to be partakers of everlasting life. Hence the scripture speaks of some being “ordained to eternal life” (Acts 13:48), and of “appointing them to obtain salvation” (1 Thess. 5:9). God appoints some to be rich, great, and honourable, some to be low and mean in the world: but electing love appoints those on whom it falls to be saved from sin, and all the ruins of the fall; its great view is to eternal glory in heaven. 2. They are chosen also to grace as the mean, as well as to glory as the end. God’s predestinating them to eternal blessedness includes both, as in the text; and it further appears from 2 Thess. 2:13. Hence faith is held out as a certain consequent of election (Acts 13:48). “As many as were ordained unto eternal life, believed.” The man who intends to dwell in a house yet unbuilt, intends also the means by which it may be made a fit habitation. And therefore there is no ground from the decree of election to slight the means of salvation.
IV. Let us consider THE PROPERTIES OF ELECTION. 1. It is altogether free, without any moving cause, but God’s mere good pleasure. No reason can be found for this but only in the bosom of God. 2. Election is eternal. They are elected from all eternity (Eph. 1:4), “chosen before the foundation of the world;” (2 Tim. 1:9). All God’s decrees are eternal (Eph. 1:11). Because God is eternal, His purposes must be of equal duration with His existence. 3. It is particular and definite. 4. It is secret, and cannot be known till God is pleased to discover it.
V. The next thing is to show, THAT ALL THE ELECT, AND THEY ONLY, ARE IN TIME BROUGHT OUT OF A STATE OF SIN AND MISERY INTO A STATE OF SALVATION. 1. All the elect are redeemed by Christ (John 10:15). None other but the elect are brought into a state of salvation; none but they are redeemed, sanctified, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:9).
VI. I come to show BY WHOM THE ELECT ARE SAVED. It is by Christ the Redeemer. Hence the apostle says (Tit. 3:4, 5, 6). 1. Before the elect could be delivered from that state of sin and misery into which they had brought themselves, a valuable satisfaction behoved to be given to the justice of God for the injury done by sin. It is evident from Scripture that God stood upon full satisfaction, and would not remit one sin without it. Several things plead strongly for this: As, (1) The infinite purity and holiness of God. (2) The justice of God. (3) The wisdom of God. (4) The truth and veracity of God. He must be true to His threatenings as well as to His promises. 2. As satisfaction to justice was necessary, and that which God insisted upon, so the elect could not give it themselves, neither was there any creature in heaven or earth that could do it for them (Isa. 63:5). This is the desperate and forlorn condition of the elect by nature as well as others. God pitched upon Christ in His infinite grace and wisdom as the fittest person for managing this grand design. 4. Christ accepted the office of a Redeemer, and engaged to make His soul an offering for sin. He cheerfully undertook this work in that eternal transaction that was between the Father and Him. 5. Christ satisfied offended justice in the room of the elect, and purchased eternal redemption for them. “He became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross” (Phil. 2:8). Thus the elect are saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. I shall conclude all with a few inferences. 1. Behold here the freedom and glory of sovereign grace, which is the sole cause why God did not leave all mankind to perish in the state of sin and misery, as He did the fallen angels. 2. This doctrine should stop men’s murmurings, and silence all their pleadings with or against God. 3. This is ground of humility and admiration to the elect of God, and shows them to what they owe the difference that is between them and others, even to free grace. (T. Boston, D.D.)

On election:—
I. STATE THE DOCTRINE ITSELF. The word rendered “predestinated” denotes simply predetermined, or fore-ordained (See Acts 4:27, 28). 1. It proceeds on the assumption of the fact that man is in a state of guilt, condemnation, and ruin: that, in himself considered, he is without any claim on the Divine favour, without help and without hope. 2. In maintaining the doctrine under consideration, it is assumed that a sufficient, complete, and glorious redemption has been accomplished and revealed. 3. This salvation is proclaimed to all men, without restriction; and all are freely invited to receive its blessings. Is not the blessed God sincere, in all the proffers of His mercy? Can there be any secret counsels at variance, in reality, with the overtures of His grace? 4. All men, if left to themselves, disregard the overtures of mercy, and neglect the great salvation. 5. That grace which God now communicates to the hearts of men, He has resolved and decreed, from all eternity, to communicate.
II. REMOVE MISCONCEPTIONS. Let it be observed—1. That the leading object of our present inquiry regards not an abstract truth, involved in metaphysical obscurity, but a matter of fact, to be determined by scriptural testimony. 2. That the proof of the fact and of the doctrine of election, does not rest on a few insulated texts of Scripture. A minister of the gospel, lately deceased, who was distinguished by no common share of mental energy, discovered, on one occasion, that he had armed against himself the strongest prejudices of a very intelligent hearer, by preaching the doctrine of election. In his private writings he thus records the conversation which ensued:—“I told her that I had no choice; the doctrine was not mine; nor did the evidence rest on the words ‘elect and election.’ I advised her to read the fifth and sixth chapters of the Gospel of John, in which the word election does not once occur, but which are full of the doctrine itself. She followed my advice, and in a few days she was confirmed in the belief of this truth. I then advised her to read the seventeenth chapter of John; and she acknowledged, that it was full of the same truth. I asked her, to what conclusion her experience led her on the subject;—whether she had chosen Christ as the Saviour of her soul? ‘Yes,’ she exclaimed. ‘And do you think He has chosen you?’ ‘Yes, I do,’ she replied. ‘If you chose Him first,’ I rejoined, ‘you made yourself to differ, and salvation is of works: if the Divine choice was first, your choice of Christ was the effect of it, and salvation is of grace.’ ‘This,’ she added, ‘is the fact.’ ‘Then,’ I concluded, ‘fact, matter of fact, establishes the doctrine of election.’ Her ‘peace now flowed like a river, bearing all objections before it, and her blessedness was as the waves of the sea.’ ” 3. The doctrine does not in the least restrict the free invitation of the gospel. God has given these invitations in full sincerity. He has given them on the finished and accepted redemption of His Beloved Son. The only barrier between the sinner and salvation is his cherished unbelief. 4. This doctrine does not in the slightest degree affect man’s obligation to repent and to believe the gospel. Man’s responsibility arises out of his rational and moral nature, and his relation to the God that made him. He does not cease to be accountable, because he has made himself sinful; for were this the case, a man would only have to become a depraved and abandoned transgressor, in order to exonerate himself from all further obligation to obey the Author of his existence. 5. This fact—that there is a Divine election—does not create an obstacle to the salvation of any human being. From the remarks already made, it is apparent, that if any man perish, he must perish in consequence of his own unbelief. In the investigation of the Word of God, I discover no traces of any decree involving an appointment to wrath irrespective of guilt. Throughout the Bible, the perdition of the soul is ascribed, not to God’s decree, but to man’s transgression. No human being will be condemned at the last day, on the ground of not being included in the election of grace. 6. This doctrine, rightly understood, has no tendency unfavourable to the interests of practical religion.
III. THE EFFECTS which a correct view and a cordial reception of this doctrine are calculated to produce on the mind and heart of the believer. 1. The belief of this doctrine is calculated to extend and to elevate our views of the character of God. 2. This doctrine presents the most vivid exhibition of the certainty of the final salvation of all who truly believe in the Divine Redeemer. 3. This doctrine is adapted to produce the deepest humility. Every truth associated with this doctrine is a humbling truth. We are reminded, at every step of our researches, of some trait in our own character, or in the character of the blessed God, which is calculated to humble the heart. We are reminded, that we are, by nature, children of wrath—that by unmerited grace alone we can be saved. “Where is boasting then? It is excluded; that no flesh should glory in His presence; that according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.” 4. Finally, The subject under consideration is designed and adapted to call forth the most grateful and adoring praise. (H. F. Burder, D.D.)

Good men the subjects of Divine thoughts from all eternity:—Every true Christian, then, as a member of Christ’s body, is thus an elect and predestinated person, and as such has been, along with Christ Himself—the Head of that body—an object of thought to the Almighty Lord of Life during the eternity bygone. But now what an awful dignity is thus seen at once to gather around the existence of a predestinated soul, around one whose appearance and character are both the subject and result of the never-commenced meditations and resolves of the Omniscient and Eternal Mind. We look, if at all given to such reflections, with a feeling of profound interest upon a stone, which has been agitated for ages on the sunken floor of the ocean, and which is at length cast up by the sounding sea, rounded by the attrition of the sea bottom, and by the currents of unnumbered centuries—an agate or carnelian, that was being rolled and polished by the billows before the old empires of antiquity were founded, or before the deluge, or before the creation of man. We gaze awestruck upon these everlasting hills, whose summits were standing above the universal waters before some of the other continents were made, and whose stratified contents, rich with the fossils of successive worlds, and the deep-lying beds of molten and crystallized porphyry and granite below them, indicate an era of upheaval that is lost in the mists and twilights of remotest eld. But what are such feelings of awe and wonder at such immeasurable antiquity, compared with those which fill the soul when we look upon a Person older than all geological chronology, older than the stars, whose “goings forth have been from everlasting.” On Christ, whose countenance, whose aspect, “marred more than any man’s,” whose history, instinct with miracles, whose words, full of grace and truth, were the manifestations of a Divine purpose as ancient in the darkness, that all the works of the visible universe—rock-systems and the deepest foundations of the mountains, and constellations that have already shone through cycles which would defy even archangelic arithmetic to measure, are comparatively of yesterday. “Before Abraham was, I am.” Before the universe was, I was in the bosom of the Infinite. And all good men were chosen in Him. The names of all who believe in God were written “before the foundation of the world,” in the Lamb’s Book of Life. They have from eternity been there recorded by Divine love as members of Christ—of His Body, of His flesh, and of His bones. Every Christian has thus been, in ideal vision, a subject of blissful Divine thought from before all worlds. (E. White.)

The saving purpose of God in earthly realization:—
I. ITS SPIRITUAL CHARACTER (vers. 3, 4). 1. Bestowing spiritual gifts. 2. Contemplating a moral change in its objects. It is not because they are already better than other men that believers are chosen, but in order that they may become so.
II. ITS PRE-DETERMINING INFLUENCE. (vers. 4, 5, 9–11). 1. It works from afar. Through eternity and time—“from before the foundation of the world.” 2. Bestowing provisional advantage. It does not appear that by the “adoption” here spoken of, final salvation is implied, but rather that the Gentiles being “brought nigh” through the blood of Christ, are put in the way of being saved. It is well for us to consider the limits as well as the vastness of spiritual privilege. 3. Ordaining the means of salvation. “In Christ.”
III. ITS CYCLIC COMPLETENESS (vers. 4–14). 1. Engaging successively the several Persons of the Blessed Trinity. In the progress of revelation and the history of the Church there seem to be discernible an age of the Father, an age of the Son, and an age of the Holy Ghost. 2. Perfecting human salvation. There are indicated three stages of the process of salvation, viz., election, justification through the blood of Christ, and, finally, sanctification by the Spirit. The cycle of redemption, as evolved in this passage, recalls that of Rom. 8:28–30. 3. Consummating the order of the universe. In Christ all things are “summed up,” i.e., He is the Head and Representative of time, creation, humanity, &c. They gather about Him as their true Centre and Lord.
IV. ITS RESULTANT GLORY (vers. 6, 12, 14). (A. F. Muir, M.A.)

The electing love of God:—
I. AS EXPRESSIVE OF THE DIVINE CHARACTER. Paul labours by variety and accumulation of phrases to show that in its entire manifestation it is of God and not of man. He calls attention to—1. Its absoluteness. It is “according to the good pleasure of His will,” i.e., an absolutely free impulse and act. No cause external to the Divine Being can be discovered to account for it. 2. Its sublime consistency and harmony.
II. AS AFFECTING HUMAN DESTINY. 1. It reveals itself in a gracious act, viz., the choice or adoption of men as its objects. 2. It sets before itself a grand moral aim. 3. It exerts a transforming power.
III. AS EVOKING GRATEFUL ADORATION (ver. 6). The objects of saving grace realizing the benefits it confers, 1. Bless God with their lips. 2. Glorify Him in their lives. (Ibid.)

God’s purpose in election:—What was God driving at in His electing some out of the lump of mankind? Was it only their impunity He desired, that while others were left to swim in torment and misery, they should only be exempted from that infelicity? No, sure; the apostle will tell us more. “He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy.” Mark, not because He foresaw that they would be of themselves holy, but that they should be holy; this was that God resolved He would make them to be. As if some curious workman, seeing a forest growing upon his own ground of trees (all alike, not one better than another), should mark some above all the rest, and set them apart in his thoughts, as resolving to make some rare pieces of workmanship of them. Thus God chose some out of the lump of mankind, whom He set apart for this purpose, to carve His own image upon them, which consists in righteousness and true holiness; a piece of such rare workmanship which, when God hath finished, and shall show it to men and angels, will appear to exceed the fabric of heaven and earth itself. (W. Gurnall.)

Election:—1. The elector is the Father, to whom it belongs to originate all things. The purpose of eternal love flows directly from the Divine mind, as its heavenly source (Rom. 8:29; 2 Thess. 2:13) 2. The person in whom the election is made is the Son. We are chosen in Him as the Divine Mediator, and predestinated Election-Head, in whom, by means of our union with Him, we find a supply for all our wants, strength for our weakness, joy for our sorrow, light for our darkness, and eternal life for our all-sufficient portion at last. 3. As to the date of this election; it is before the foundation of the world (comp. Matt. 13:35; John 17:4; Luke 11:50; Matt. 14:34; 1 Peter. 1:20). This is the same as the expression, “Before the ages or worlds” (1 Cor. 2:7; comp. Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:26; 2 Tim. 1:9, and Rom. 16:25). This is the ancient love of God to His people of which the Scriptures are so full, and on which the believing soul delights to dwell. His love is no impulsive feeling, varying with the changes of the creature, but the steady, irreversible purpose of His grace, based on the life and death, the doing and dying of the Mediator. 4. The purpose of this election is very clearly stated in one passage—“That we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.” Holy means separated, consecrated, devoted to God. He would have a loving, devoted, holy, people, and for this end He elects them. (W. Graham, D.D.)

God’s choice and desire:—
I. Let us observe THE FIRST OUTFLOW OF THESE HEAVENLY BLESSINGS. The fountain of eternal love burst forth in our election—“According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world.” Consider these words one by one. 1. The first is, “He hath chosen:” God has a will and a choice in the matter of salvation. Is man’s will to be deified? Is the whole result of the scheme of salvation to depend upon the creature’s choice? God forbid. 2. Carefully note that election shapes everything: the Father has blessed us with all spiritual blessings, “According as He hath chosen us in Christ.” All the grace of earth and the glory of heaven come to us in accordance with the eternal choice. There is not a single boon that comes from the blessed hand of the Divine Redeemer but is stamped with the mark of God’s electing love. We were chosen to each mercy, and each mercy was appointed for us. 3. The next word is, “He hath chosen us.” Herein is grace indeed. What could there be in us that the Lord should choose us? Some of us feel ourselves the most unworthy of the unworthy, and we can see no trace of a reason for our being chosen. So far from being choice men in our own esteem, we feel ourselves by nature to be the very reverse. But if God has chosen us, then let our hearts love Him, our lips extol Him, our hands serve Him, our whole lives adore Him. 4. Then we are told, he has chosen us in Christ Jesus. He first chose Christ as the head, and then looked through Christ upon us, and chose us to be members of Christ’s mystical body. 5. The time when this choice was made—“Before the foundation of the world,” the earliest conceivable period. The choice is no sudden act.
II. THE DESIGNED RESULT OF ALL THIS BLESSING. 1. It is God’s eternal design that His people should be holy. When you grow in grace, and faith, and hope, and joy, all that growth is towards holiness. There is something practical in every boon that comes from the Father’s hand, and you should pray to Him that you may by each one conquer sin, advance in virtue and perfect holiness in His fear. The ultimate end of election is the praise of the glory of Divine grace, but the immediate and intermediate end is the personal sanctification of the chosen. 2. The Father chose us to Himself that we might be without blame before Him in love. He would have us blameless, so that no man can justly find fault with us; and harmless, so that our lives may injure none, but bless all. 3. But notice where and what kind of holiness this is: holy and blameless before Him. It would be something to be perfect before the eyes of men who are so ready to criticize us; but to be blameless before Him who reads our thoughts and sees our every failure in a moment—this is an attainment of a far higher order. To conclude, we are to be holy and blameless before Him in love. Love is the anointing oil which is to be poured on all the Lord’s priests; when he has robed them in their spotless garments, they shall partake of the unction of love. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

God’s election of men in Jesus Christ:—
I. THAT GOD, BEFORE HE MADE THE WORLD, CHOSE SOME PERSONS OF HIS OWN FREE GRACE TO BECOME HIS CHILDREN, OR TO BE MADE HOLY AND HAPPY. 1. There is a manifest difference between the children of men in this world. 2. This difference between men, or this distinction of the righteous from the wicked, is not ascribed in Scripture, originally and supremely, to the will and power of man, as the cause of it, but to the will and power of God, and to His Spirit working in them. 3. The distinction that is made by this work of God in the heart of men, is attributed in Scripture, not to any merit in man, which God foresaw, but to the free grace of God toward His people, and His special choice or election of them, to be partakers of these blessings. 4. This choice of persons to sanctification and salvation by the grace on God is represented in Scripture, as before the foundation of the world, or from eternity.
II. THAT GOD FROM THE BEGINNING APPOINTED HIS SON JESUS CHRIST TO BE THE MEDIUM OF EXERCISING ALL THIS GRACE, AND GAVE HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE TO THE CARE OF HIS SON, TO MAKE THEM PARTAKERS OF THESE BLESSINGS. 1. Let us consider what it was that Christ undertook, as the chosen Saviour of His people (John 1:18 and 17:5; John 16:28; Phil. 2:7; Heb. 2:14; Gal. 4:4; Rom. 8:3; Eph. 5:30). 2. Let us take a brief survey of the articles of this covenant on God the Father’s side. Whatsoever powers, or honours, or employments He bestowed on His Son, we have reason to suppose it was in pursuance of this original covenant of grace and salvation. First then, we may justly conclude, that God engaged to employ Him in the work of creation, as a foundation of His future kingdom among men; by Him God made angels, and they shall be His ministering Spirits, for the men who shall be heirs of his salvation; by Him God created mankind, and He shall be Lord of them all; by Him the Blessed God made His own people, and He shall save them. Again, We may suppose it was agreed by the Father, that He should be the King of Israel, which was the visible Church of God, as a type of His kingdom, and the government of His invisible Church; that He should fix His dwelling in a cloud of glory, in His holy hill of Sion (Psa. 2:6, 7), and should govern the Jewish nation by judges, or priests, or kings, as His deputies, till He Himself should appear in the flesh. God the Father undertook also to furnish Him with everything necessary for His appearance and His ministry here upon earth, to prepare a body for Him (Heb. 10:5), to give Him the Spirit without measure (John 3:34; Esa. 11:2), to bear Him up through all His sufferings, to accept His sacrifice and atonement for sin, to raise Him up from the dead, to exalt Him not only to the former glory which He had with Him before the world was, which He asks for as a matter of agreement (John 17:4, 5), but to honour Him at His right hand with superior powers. 1. Since we are chosen to be holy, as well as happy, we may search and find out our election by our sanctification, and make it sure and evident. 2. Let those who by a sincere search have found the blessed marks and evidences of their election in Christ Jesus take the comfort of it, rejoice in it, and walk worthy of so Divine a privilege. See that you keep your evidences of grace ever clear and bright by holy watchfulness, that ye may have a strong defence in every hour of temptation. In conclusion: 1. I infer that there are some doctrines wherein the reason of man finds many difficulties, and which the folly of man would abuse to unhappy purposes, which yet are plain and express truths asserted in the Word of God. Among these, we place the great doctrine of the election of sinners in Christ to be made holy and happy. 2. However this doctrine may be opposed by the reasonings of men, and even ridiculed by a bold jest, yet, if it then appear to be a Divine truth, as the Scriptures now seem to teach us, the blessed God will not be ashamed of it in the last great day; then shall He unfold all the scheme of His original counsels, and spread abroad His transactions towards mankind, before the face of all His intelligent creatures. I cannot think, that any of the cavils of wit against this doctrine will stand before the light of the great tribunal. 3. The whole chain and current of our salvation, from the beginning to the end, arises and proceeds all the way from the free grace of God, through the mediation of His Son Jesus Christ. God and His Son must have the glory, and pride must be hid from man for ever. (Dr. Watts.)

Joseph S. Exell, The Biblical Illustrator: Ephesians (New York; Chicago; Toronto; London; Edinburgh: Fleming H. Revell Company, n.d.), 10–18.


Active member
Dec 5, 2023
While much of this is nicely worded, I find some fault in a doctrine being presented that does not exist in scripture.

Let us take a brief survey of the articles of this covenant on God the Father’s side. Whatsoever powers, or honours, or employments He bestowed on His Son, we have reason to suppose it was in pursuance of this original covenant of grace and salvation. First then, we may justly conclude, that God engaged to employ Him in the work of creation, as a foundation of His future kingdom among men; by Him God made angels, and they shall be His ministering Spirits, for the men who shall be heirs of his salvation; by Him God created mankind, and He shall be Lord of them all; by Him the Blessed God made His own people, and He shall save them.

These bold texts pieces render Yeshua to be something other than an only begotten Son making John 3:16 in error.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
The words “by him” I prefer “because of him” . Yahweh speaks in a way that is consistent with HIS nature. Romans 4:17 KJV Yahwehs eternal attributes must be taken into account when determining what HE speaks. For Yahweh all things irrespective of time have been known, it seems that all that is needed for anything to exist is for Yahweh to speak them into existence. Psalm 33:9 , Hebrews 11:3 Yahweh in eternity had Christ in HIS mind and thoughts and even then Jesus was HIS son and heir. The example of King David, who was a type of Christ, shows that Yahweh in eternity had David’s existence in HIS mind. Psalm 139:1-24 KJV is not only about David but also Christ and all humanity. Omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresence YAHWEH the great and only God , there is nothing too hard for HIM to do. Jeremiah 32:27 While with the Holy Spirit we can begin to know Yahweh it is very little compared to what awaits us when in the kingdom. So then, when an angel speaks, when a prophet speaks, when Jesus spoke and the Apostles spoke behind all these words was Yahweh and remember the three omnis‘s .
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
The words “by him” I prefer “because of him” . Yahweh speaks in a way that is consistent with HIS nature. Romans 4:17 KJV Yahwehs eternal attributes must be taken into account when determining what HE speaks. For Yahweh all things irrespective of time have been known, it seems that all that is needed for anything to exist is for Yahweh to speak them into existence. Psalm 33:9 , Hebrews 11:3 Yahweh in eternity had Christ in HIS mind and thoughts and even then Jesus was HIS son and heir. The example of King David, who was a type of Christ, shows that Yahweh in eternity had David’s existence in HIS mind. Psalm 139:1-24 KJV is not only about David but also Christ and all humanity. Omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresence YAHWEH the great and only God , there is nothing too hard for HIM to do. Jeremiah 32:27 While with the Holy Spirit we can begin to know Yahweh it is very little compared to what awaits us when in the kingdom. So then, when an angel speaks, when a prophet speaks, when Jesus spoke and the Apostles spoke behind all these words was Yahweh and remember the three omnis‘s .
I believe you are correct here.

The larger problem is that non-Jews do not translate, nor do they understand, that Yahweh's prophecies were known to be facts the moment they were spoken. Knowing this adds understanding to scripture and eliminates supposed errors. Not understanding this allows false doctrines to exist.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I believe you are correct here.

The larger problem is that non-Jews do not translate, nor do they understand, that Yahweh's prophecies were known to be facts the moment they were spoken. Knowing this adds understanding to scripture and eliminates supposed errors. Not understanding this allows false doctrines to exist.
It makes no sense that if Jesus was the creator that he is his own heir. He says the Father employed Jesus to do the labor of creation. Jesus calls his Father the creator. Colossians 1:16 is the verse where “because of him” or just eliminate the word ”by” and replace “through” with “because of “. Translators with a trinitarian mind set produce verses of this slant.
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