Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Source: Finding the Pearls in Your Problems - From His Heart - June 10 - Encouragement from Jeff Schreve (oneplace.com)

1. Problems create an environment for God's grace to flow. The Bible clearly teaches us that "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble" ( James 4:6). Surely nothing humbles us like problems. Michael Vick is certainly not walking in pride these days. When trouble comes, it always brings humility with it... and humility creates an environment for God to pour out His grace. Wow... thank You, Lord.

2. Problems create and environment for your faith to be strengthened. Faith is the key that unlocks the storehouse of heaven. Faith is what pleases God. The stronger your faith, the more you will see God do in your life - "Be it done to you according to your faith" (Matt. 9:29). And faith really only grows when it is tested by trouble. See, faith is like a muscle... if there is no resistance on it, it stays flabby and weak. It takes stress and strain to make it strong.

3. Problems create an environment for you to draw near to God. Problems remind us how desperately we need Him. We seek God more earnestly when we are in trouble... and He has promised that we will find Him when we seek Him with all our hearts (Jer. 29:13). Surely, He is near to the brokenhearted (Ps. 34:18).

When it comes to problems, you and I always have a choice to make: "Will I allow this problem to make me bitter... or make me better? Will I focus on the pearls or the poison?"

God's word says, "Consider it all joy"... and let Him take that problem and turn it around for good. If you will choose joy at the start, you will see God bring abundant joy to the conclusion. There are pearls in your problems. Stay focused on them and you will be amazed at what God will do in response. [more...]