Rebuttal Exclusive Truth Claims: Jehovah's Witnesses & Latter-day Saints


Well-known member
Bible Challenge
Oct 3, 2020
I'm convinced! Increasing numbers don't lie... Wait... Hmm....

I try to imagine all these guys as kids on a playground as they once were. They have no special insight that we don't have. The scriptures talk about people straining to find the truth in the time of the end.
It's strange to think at one time I believed most things told to me if it came from an older man of importance from a podium.
Now I read the bible, study and discuss and don't assume that I have all the answers. That's lacking humility and a trap.
I personally follow Jesus now, and everything else is secondary. I tossed so much out of date literature in the garbage.
Save the trees! Quit spreading propaganda to the vulnerable!