General Did Jesus "destroy himself"?


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
It is assumed by many that the church that formed in the second and third centuries was the outgrowth of the church of Pentecost in Jerusalem. When you examine the teachings/doctrines of this church they do not agree with scripture. This church was an evil tree that cannot bear good fruit. All the churches that came out of her therefore are evil fruit. The people who led in the development of this church were pagans and had no understanding except carnal thinking. This is how the trinity came about. Carnal men did know that there was only one God but the scriptures spoke of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and this presented a serious dilemma they had to resolve. Using their carnal minds the came up with the idea of the trinity to explain what they thought solved the problem of only one God who they viewed as three . When Rome made this church the official religion of the empire they in reality made a group of pagans Christians. This is an excellent example of how things happen without the Holy Spirit. This was also part of the plan of Satan to hide truth, cause separation and division to produce what we see in the world today, BABYLON. This is what the Prophets, Jesus and the Apostles constantly warned about.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Jesus was created by GOD truly after GODS divine nature of love and righteousness. Jesus did not go around bragging about it but made himself of no reputation. When in the kingdom the saints will have the divine GODLY nature. Jesus was born with this nature to be the example for us. This is why Jesus said if you see me you see the FATHER. Jesus was the image of the invisible GOD.
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