Daily Verse Daily Verse by Faithlife | Romans 6:23

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

6:23 compensation due sin is death Paul asserts that death is the wage paid to the person who serves sin. See note on v. 16.

gift of God is eternal life In contrast to the “wages” earned through sin (which lead to death), no person can earn eternal life. It is a gift freely given according to God’s prerogative. See 5:15–16.

in Christ Jesus our Lord Through baptism, believers share in Christ’s death, and consequently His resurrection life. Believers are freed from the power of sin.

Because of this new reality in Christ, Paul urges believers to reject the influence of sin and serve God. Believers experience “eternal life” because of Christ Jesus and their union with Him. In this sense, “eternal life” means sharing in Christ’s life (v. 4).

Barry, J. D., Mangum, D., Brown, D. R., Heiser, M. S., Custis, M., Ritzema, E., … Bomar, D. (2012, 2016). Faithlife Study Bible (Ro 6:23). Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press.

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
I never fully understood this before as a JW. We were told the epistles were written to the anointed of which the average rank and file JW is not a part of. We were told eventually - after the 1000 years we would qualify for eternal life - we would be in line for it. smh. Now I realize from my own study and new understanding that because I have accepted Christ's gift and trust in him that I have eternal life now. Even when and if I die before he returns I will be resurrected to a glorified immortal body - just as he has. How incredibly freeing and loving.

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
I never fully understood this before as a JW. We were told the epistles were written to the anointed of which the average rank and file JW is not a part of. We were told eventually - after the 1000 years we would qualify for eternal life - we would be in line for it. smh. Now I realize from my own study and new understanding that because I have accepted Christ's gift and trust in him that I have eternal life now. Even when and if I die before he returns I will be resurrected to a glorified immortal body - just as he has. How incredibly freeing and loving.
I shared this on my Facebook and got some interesting replies:

Yes Lori it is a travesty that JWs teach what they do.
I remember when I was awakening the bible verse that kept drawing me was Rom 8:1.
For nearly 2 years I stared at this verse and couldn’t work out why I still felt condemned no matter what I did or how “faithful “ I was in JW works, but the Holy Spirit eventually drilled through the wood , and I realised I was not “in Christ “ . I was separated from Christ by JW teaching, once that realisation came it was as if an enormous burden was lifted off me . Praise Jesus because he knows his sheep .

Actually when you stop and think about it , JWs don’t believe in been born again, they don’t believe you can receive the spirit , they are friends of god not children, nearly all of them have no covenant standing before god , they dehumanise anyone who disagrees with the current teaching, think how similar this is to Islam , not children of god , no covenant, no in dwelling spirit, and kill or silence any one who disagrees with them , creepy huh ?