When God said, let there be light, what was that light ? Revelation 21:23 , the light of the first day was the glory of God. It could not have been the sun as it was not created until the fourth day. This fact then informs us that for the first three days there was no such thing as time. How is time measured, is it not by the sun, moon and stars ? Indeed in Genesis 1:14 it says this very thing. In the creation of Adam there are only two ingredients, dust and breath, these two when combined or joined together are a soul. When God made the body of Adam from the dust of the ground did that body walk and talk, was it by itself capable of doing anything. No, it was not. Once the breath of life was breathed into that body then Adam would be able to do what all humans do. To live and move and have our being to think, plan, build; to be intelligent, to have memories. This informs us that the human brain is not the source of all the things that were listed, the human spirit is, the breath of life is, the heart or mind is. Furthermore , what you really are is a spirit, your body is only a temporary dwelling. You are the fruit inside the walnut, the treasure stored in an Earthen vessel. Your fleshly brain is nothing more than an interface that connects your spirit with your body. What this shows us is that we are only a shadow image of our creator, not the true image of that creator. The creator is totally composed of eternal spirit the has all power, all knowledge and wisdom and is ever present everywhere. I know of no human that has ever existed that fits this description, not even the Christ. However in some ways but not in all, it is human destiny to become “like or similar to” this creator we call God. The question then is how do humans become similar to God ? The answer is Jesus Christ, he was called the image of the invisible God. Jesus was created an exact copy of the divine nature but only in righteousness, agape, holiness and spirit. The saints follow after the Christ as Jesus was the first born. Jesus the man had all those Godly qualities excepting immortality as a spirit being. Jesus, the ascended Jesus, received the spirit body of immortality and was glorified. This completed the entire process of a human being becoming a spirit being and truly after Gods image and likeness in the ways described above. Many false teachings have been preached concerning all of these things. The lie that Jesus could have sinned, that Jesus was resurrected in glorified flesh therefore the saints will be as well. The lie that Jesus received the Holy Spirit when baptized by John the Baptist . That Jesus was God and part of a trinity. The lie that Jesus was resurrected on Sunday and crucified on Friday. The lie of the immortal soul. The lie of instantaneous judgement of heaven or hell for each individual rather than collectively at the great white throne. The lie of once saved always saved . The lie of universal salvation. The lie that men can teach you and win souls for Jesus. The lie that the churches are responsible to fulfill the great commission.
These are only a few of the lies believed by the 55,000 different churches “in the world “ today. All of these lies were made possible because people elevate some man or woman to be another mediator between them and God. They view their pastor, minister, preacher or whatever title they use, to deceive as another mediator . If you challenge one of these false shepherds you will be thrown out of ”their “ church. When one person has this type of power over people those people will be deceived. What does scripture teach you about the times we live in ?
Is it that the world will be all in good standing with God ? Does it not tell you of worldwide deception and yet you still follow some man or woman you think is a great person of God ? Your duty is to prove all things, you do this, not a hireling preacher, or false shepherd. Use the gift YOU have been given rather that grieving or quenching it.
If you get your truth from the Holy Spirit of the Father through Jesus then you are totally safe but if you rely one anyone else you will be deceived. Do you not know that there is only ONE MEDIATOR between God and man ?
These are only a few of the lies believed by the 55,000 different churches “in the world “ today. All of these lies were made possible because people elevate some man or woman to be another mediator between them and God. They view their pastor, minister, preacher or whatever title they use, to deceive as another mediator . If you challenge one of these false shepherds you will be thrown out of ”their “ church. When one person has this type of power over people those people will be deceived. What does scripture teach you about the times we live in ?
Is it that the world will be all in good standing with God ? Does it not tell you of worldwide deception and yet you still follow some man or woman you think is a great person of God ? Your duty is to prove all things, you do this, not a hireling preacher, or false shepherd. Use the gift YOU have been given rather that grieving or quenching it.
If you get your truth from the Holy Spirit of the Father through Jesus then you are totally safe but if you rely one anyone else you will be deceived. Do you not know that there is only ONE MEDIATOR between God and man ?
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