
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Character is the way someone thinks, feels and behaves. Hebrews 1:3 While it may be worded differently in some translations the Greek word is “charakter” Strongs 5481 which means, an exact reproduction of likeness of inner character. Jesus was an exact reproduction of his GODS character or nature.

Romans 3:23 To sin is to fall short of the glory of GOD. Again, Hebrews 1:3 The son is the radiance of GODS glory in a man.

1 John 5:17 All unrighteousness is sin……. 1 John 2:1 Jesus Christ is the righteous one….. Isaiah 53:11

John 15:9 The word love here is “agapao” see Strongs article 25. &. 26 “agape” . 1 John 4:8 GOD is love. This agape is not natural in humans, it is GODLY love that comes to us by GODS spirit. Romans 5:5 This GODLY love is what enables us to love the way GOD and Jesus loved. It is the GODLY love in the two great commandments. Matthew 22:37,38,39,40 This GODLY love is the greatest of all gifts. 1 Corinthians 13:13

I have proved here with scripture that Jesus Christ had a glory that matched GODS , a Character that matched GODS and a love equal to GODS. Jesus Christ was as righteous as GOD. In these things Jesus was exactly like GOD. Some Unitarians cannot accept this because they think it would make Jesus GOD. Is it not GODS desire to recreate humanity to be in HIS image and likeness ? Are we not hoping to partake of the divine nature when born into the kingdom ? Jesus was different from us in that he already had the divine nature and all he needed was a glorified body. When these Unitarians strip Christ of these GOD given qualities they ignorantly take from him the very things that made him the messiah. They ignorantly blaspheme his character that GOD created Jesus with. This proves to me that these Unitarians do not know Jesus and therefore do not know GOD and do not understand the gospel.

Jesus Christ was incapable of sin just as GOD is incapable of sin. This is how and why Jesus could be the messiah. I hope GODS spirit will open the eyes to see the great damage the false doctrine of Christ being a potential sinner has caused. There are spiritually only two kinds of beings, angelic or human, those who are incapable of sin and those who are sinners. The only two potential human sinners that have ever lived were Adam and Eve. Of all humans that have lived or ever will live and all angels none were created by GOD righteous except one, Jesus Christ. The temptation of Christ by Satan was to prove this to us, it was not a farce, who conquered who, Christ conquered Satan. For the life of me I cannot understand how anyone who has read the prophets, the gospels and the letters that followed by the Apostles could ever arrive at the belief that Jesus was a potential sinner. Jesus was the image of the invisible GOD and we by following his example can be transformed into the image of Jesus who was the image of GOD. Jesus said, “I and my FATHER are one, he who has seen me has seen the FATHER, the son can do nothing by himself he can only do what he sees his FATHER doing because whatever the FATHER does the son does also. John 8:28 , John 12:50 , John 14:10 Jesus was the model and example of what we must become to be in the kingdom of GOD and in that kingdom sin does not exist. The nature or character we must have to be in the kingdom was shown in Jesus the man. Jesus was the FIRST BORN OF MANY BRETHREN.
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
In answer to your question LeeB : For the life of me I cannot understand how anyone who has read the prophets, the gospels and the letters that followed by the Apostles could ever arrive at the belief that Jesus was a potential sinner.

People came to believe that Jesus could have sinned, because that is what the churches teach. The idea used is that, since Jesus resisted temptation, we can, too. For those who have been fully indoctrinated into mainstream church beliefs; it is as natural as flowing water to accept that concept.

There are very few who could ever put together the "born of the fullness of God's spirit" and the birth of the man Jesus to come up with "Jesus was incapable of sin."

In short, people tend to read verses that they are told to read, but then they memorize the thoughts that they are taught to remember. I was one of those people, myself.

There is a big difference between "reading" and "studying."
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
In answer to your question LeeB : For the life of me I cannot understand how anyone who has read the prophets, the gospels and the letters that followed by the Apostles could ever arrive at the belief that Jesus was a potential sinner.

People came to believe that Jesus could have sinned, because that is what the churches teach. The idea used is that, since Jesus resisted temptation, we can, too. For those who have been fully indoctrinated into mainstream church beliefs; it is as natural as flowing water to accept that concept.

There are very few who could ever put together the "born of the fullness of God's spirit" and the birth of the man Jesus to come up with "Jesus was incapable of sin."

In short, people tend to read verses that they are told to read, but then they memorize the thoughts that they are taught to remember. I was one of those people, myself.

There is a big difference between "reading" and "studying."
Outcast, my statement was in frustration not in lack of understanding. I like you am fully aware that GOD is the only teacher by HIS spirit through Christ. This as Jesus said is marvelous, Mark 12:10,11 The people that say Jesus was a potential sinner are builders who rejected the stone that is the cornerstone. Also Matthew 11:25 They think of themselves as wise and prudent but because of the hardness of their hearts the truth is hidden from them. I have in the past attempted to speak to one of their top leaders but he closed his mind, refused to see.
This false teaching shows a weak Christ with the same nature as that which humanity acquired from Satan because GOD did not create Adam evil nor righteous but ignorant of the knowledge of good and evil. This lie lowers the bar so to speak of what we need to measure up to in order to be in the kingdom which is the stature and fullness of Christ. Oh, Jesus wasn’t much different than me so I can be confident in my election they think. This is spiritually dangerous thinking. This is not the message of the gospel.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
There are a few topics that need addressing on this forum. The great gamble theory of Jesus being a potential sinner, the type of body Jesus was raised from the dead with as well as the saints and the fact that only GOD can teach, add to the church through Christ. If GOD is willing the truth can be known .
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
If man is willing to accept the possibility that most of what he has been taught has been distorted, and then desire to know the truth, it can be found - but it is futile to look for it in a bible commentary.
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