Saturday, January 4, 2025​


I have read the opinions of many professing ministers, pastors and preachers about whether or not Satan can get into your mind and thoughts and as you may imagine there is no consensus of opinions.

Consider if you will deception, how can Satan deceive if he cannot access your mind ? How can Satan get you to believe a lie if he cannot be in your thoughts ? How about this scripture, 2 Corinthians 4:4 or this one , 1 John 5:19 or these; 2 Thessalonians 2:9,10 Romans 1:21 2 Corinthians 11:3 Notice how the mind is the common theme in these verses. Then in Luke 8:27,28,29,30,31,32,33,35

Take note that this Legion knew who Jesus was and had super human strength, Legion begged Jesus not to cast them into the Abyss. Jesus sent them into a herd of swine. Afterwards the formerly possessed man was in his RIGHT MIND. What does this tell you about what Satan can do to you ? While this situation was very violent many others take on a different approach. The common deceiving Satan does is to hide truth and replace it with lies. Benadam and Anthony Buzzard have had many debates with trinitarian opponents firing truth after truth at them but each one after the debate ends walks away a trinitarian. Why do you think this is ? It is because Satan has blinded their MINDS. Satan can cause you to believe anything by taking over your mind just as he did Legion and Trinitarians. Satan can do this while you are awake or unconscious. You are especially susceptible to his lies when unconscious and helpless. What Satan places in your mind will be there when you awake and it will seem to be very real, as real as your fathers hugs and your mothers kisses and you would swear to it.

Then we have the account of the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19:13,14,15,16 the man who had the evil spirit had no control over his speech or actions. A demon can take a person over completely both body and mind, the soul. The demon has the ability to implant thoughts in your mind, thoughts that live on and are the reason for the outcome of debates with trinitarians. Satan and his demons can implant false memories in your mind to deceive you whether conscious or unconscious. It is very obvious by the scriptures that Satan, as the prince of the power of the air, has the ability to make you believe anything and you will too. Without the protection of GOD we are helpless but as Christians we are shielded by GOD from this deception. John 17:9,11,12,15,20 It is not possible to deceive GODS elect . Matthew 24:24
2 Thessalonians 2:9,10,11,12 Satan has been using a variety of deceptions ever since the garden of Eden. Revelation 12:9 he deceives and has deceived the entire world with the exception of GODS elect saints. Since he already has the world but not the saints we become a special target, one that Satan desperately desires so this is a warning to all the saints to be on guard for the roaring lion seeking to devour you. If you, as a saint, open a door of opportunity to Satan he will use it to get you. The saints are to know Satans devices and abilities, his signs and lying wonders. ( Lying wonders , think on that one. ) What Satan desires is to lead you away from GOD and Christ and usually GOD protects the saints except in cases where a saint opens a door in foolishness or ignorance and the result of this will not be good. 2 Peter 2:20,21 1 Corinthians 10:12 This has happened to some saints and the accounts of this are recorded in scripture, king David’s adultery and murder of Uriah are one. If this can happen to David it could happen to you. Sampson’s antics with Delilah are another. Has Satan gotten into your minds, has he planted lies, has he deceived and has your deception been so powerful and effective that you would believe it ? One sure fire sign of this is when in the face of undeniable scriptures you decide to believe in something that is totally against scripture. Another is attempting to justify yourself by using those same scriptures. Finally you will become angered and insult someone who is trying to tell you the truth.

I sincerely hope that will never be the case with any of GODS saints.

In Matthew 4:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 is the record of the Devils attempt to tempt Christ to sin. Take careful note that Jesus went into the wilderness and after a 40 day fast the tempter came and said , “ If you are the son of GOD command that these stones be made bread.” This of course did not work. Then the Devil literally transported Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and told him to jump and the Devil quoted scripture, “HE shall give HIS angels charge over you least you dash your foot against a stone.” Well this attempt to tempt Jesus didn’t work either. Then the Devil literally transported Jesus to an exceeding high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and said to him, “All this I will give you if you worship me.” This last attempt by the Devil failed too and the Devil left Jesus and angels came and ministered to him. The Devil has the ability to actually transport a person from one location to another. If the Devil can do this bodily then he would have no problem doing it with the human spirit, your mind , as in a false dream or vision. Ezekiel 13:6 Jeremiah 14:14 Jeremiah 23:25,26 1 Timothy 4:1,2

Now it is also very important to understand that these temptations were attempts to get Jesus to sin and each one failed. This was no farce, it was real. If you understand what sin really is you should be able to see that Jesus was victorious over far more than what even the law demanded. The law focused on words and deeds without any consideration to the thoughts and intents of the human spirit. The one commandment of the Ten Commandments that could never be proven is the 10th because no human witnesses could know the thoughts and intentions of another person.

Thou shalt not lust or covet is a function of the mind/ human spirit and is the key to understand what sin really is. Proverbs 23:7KJV James 1:14,15 do you see, desire, being enticed , thinking of doing what the Devil tempts you with is the sin. The words and deeds are only the manifestation of your inner thoughts and desires and this is the kind of person you truly are. Jesus explained this in , Matthew 15:18,19,20 do you see how Jesus raised the bar, magnified the law, Isaiah 42:21KJV This should be very sobering information for people that have not known this truth. Think, if the old covenant law was impossible to keep then the new covenant magnified law Christ revealed is doubly impossible, Solomon agreed, Proverbs 20:9 The spirits of just men could never be made perfect if the sin in the human spirit was not addressed and overcome. This is why Paul said, “I would not of known what sin is if not for the law because I would not have know LUST except the law said, thou shalt not covet.” Jesus could not lust for the things the Devil tried to tempt him with because he had the very character of GOD HIMSELF. Hebrews 1:3 This is why Paul said, Philippians 2:5KJV , Jesus had a mind that was one with his GOD and just as GOD cannot be tempted WITH EVIL neither could HIS son and all Christians need to be of the same mind so that we can be one with GOD too.

Think on all these things I have written.
So then, if you have understood what has been written here happy are you, blessed are you.
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Thanks for that, Lee. While we go through the OJT sessions of learning to be like Christ, your advice is very important. Sometimes we don't take time to realize that our responses and behaviors stem from the untrained parts of our minds. If we err in our responses, we can go to the mediator Yeshua and ask His Father for forgiveness and strength to defeat that temptation in the future.

For those of us who have practiced the "I forgive myself because, after all, I'm only human" method; we err greatly. The fruit of the Spirit IS also self-control, right?

The psychobabble advice to forgive ourselves is important, but forgiving ourselves does not wash away our sins.

The truth will set you free. The lies and false doctrines will enslave us. Seeking truth is not difficult, but eliminating lies can be.
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From the first recorded lie, “thou shall not surely die “ to the immortal soul to floating around in heaven or hell or over your hospital bed ,the lie continues . Absolute spiritual truth is ignored and replaced with books, TV shows and online videos that totally contradict the truth in GODS word, the Bible. It comes down to this believe GOD or something else. To quote a biblical personality; as for me and my house we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15
From the first recorded lie, “thou shall not surely die “ to the immortal soul to floating around in heaven or hell or over your hospital bed ,the lie continues . Absolute spiritual truth is ignored and replaced with books, TV shows and online videos that totally contradict the truth in GODS word, the Bible. It comes down to this believe GOD or something else. To quote a biblical personality; as for me and my house we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15
This world we live in is fraught with danger for those who submit to Satan's will. I do think that, however Satan can occupy our attention and detour us from God's truth, he will do so. It is like a battle to claim that truth is not possessed by Yahweh and His Son, but it is possessed by science - Satan and his followers.

This is the same science that gave us Covid 19, fake injections, the climate change scam, the various genders that people can choose from, etc..

We cannot have it both ways.

I recently realized that this same issue is apparent in the world by unbelievers trying every way imaginable to corrupt the minds of children through the school systems, social media, song lyrics, and movies. Our people see these enticements while saying "Oooh, shiney!" Like Lemmings, people are racing each other to the nearest cliff in the name of compromise, inclusiveness, and fairness.

People who considered themselves as devout lovers of God committed many sins in the name of God for a very long time. I think that is why the number of the elect is so small. It is a huge mercy that God will give the rest of humanity an option to believe at a later point.
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There are people who say that Satan is not a real being but is only the evil that is in all people, Satan is us, they say. What has become to be thought of as human nature is not the nature GOD created humans with.
This modern nature was acquired when sin entered the world. It is the nature of the world, not the church, it is the nature of the god of this world. Christians are now in a spiritual warfare armed with the power of GOD within us to combat this nature, to overcome this nature. To the one that overcomes is the reward. To not overcome is to not have faith, a little strength, keep his word and not deny his name. Our change comes when Christ returns and then we will partake of the divine nature in all fullness. To participate and believe in anything that denies GODS revealed truth is to stray off the narrow way out to where the the wolves are that will show no mercy. Satan is real indeed and scripture informs us of his evil, abilities and devices. The things of the world are not of GODS saints, to befriend the world is to be an enemy of GOD.
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