Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA
Are you infected with a spiritual malady? I really really enjoyed this video a friend shared with a group I'm in. I know you'll like it too!

PDC = Performance Based Christianity
SP = Spiritual Perfectionism

Are you stuck in spiritual slavery? Many would say "no" to this question but are not aware of how spiritual slavery has held them captive and bound.

All transformation flows out of identity and this manifests powerfully when we break free from spiritual slavery and move into sonship. When you experience the love of Father God, who you are as sons and daughters can shine through.

At the same time, many believers are still bound by the chains of spiritual slavery. The Apostle Paul found himself in a place where he spent the book of Galatians, pulling the body of Christ out of the chains of performance-driven Christianity, law-based living, and spiritual slavery. His words ring true to us today: You are no longer slaves. You are sons.

And yet too many have not received sonship in their hearts. Content to live in the limitation and bondage of spiritual slavery, we will always feel disconnected from the love and empowerment of the Father.

In this video, I want to highlight the differences between a spiritual slave and a son, while exhorting you to break off the chains that seek to hold you back.

May you experience greater love, grace and truth.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
You cannot allow the past to rule your future. If you do not move forward then you have stopped growing. You have access to the greatest power of all to overcome and grow. To allow anything to hinder you in your growth ask who is doing the hindering ? The focus must be on the goal of the kingdom of God. God is not the one who hinders and the one hindered is not either. Hindering comes from the enemy. Before his conversion Paul was murdering Christians and after his conversion used the Spirit to properly deal with the guilt he felt and went on to be a great Apostle. Peter denied Jesus three times before his conversion but afterward became a great Apostle. No one here has ever faced what Paul and Peter did . There is nothing in our lives that should cripple us spirituality that God's Spirit cannot help us overcome. Forgive those who have hurt you, pray for them , be kind to them and in doing so you can be healed. God's Spirit can make this possible because all things are possible with God.