Book Are We Ready for Jesus?: How to Prepare for His Return

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

Are We Ready for Jesus?: How to Prepare for His Return​

I just finished reading this as a Kindle and really enjoyed it. Here are my notes on Good Reads Are We Ready for Jesus?: How to Prepare for His Return by Nelson Walters | Goodreads.

I'm currently reading books about eschatology/end times. This book really helped me appreciate how churches aren't really talking about Jesus' return.

I know it was not really talked about in Kingdom Halls since they felt he returned invisibly in 1914. I feel like the JWs kinda replaced Jesus 2nd coming with Armageddon. I now view Armageddon as God's Wrath which comes at the very end of the age but what was missing in my understanding (due to my JW training) was looking for signs of Christ's return. This book helped me appreciate it is NOT imminent but there are signs to look for first.

I am currently in the "pre-wrath" camp vs. pre-tribulation camp. I am confident that pre-tribulation understanding can be disproved easily with scripture. It is a concept that came out ~60-75 years ago and gained momentum by dispensationalists and was even adopted by other denominations like baptists.

At any rate check it out and let us know what YOU think.
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