Q: How were all things created through the Son if He didn’t exist prior to His conception?
First, your starting point must be the only place that describes the ORIGIN [GENESIS] and COMING INTO BEING [GENNAO] of the Son, Mat 1.18-20; cp. Luke 1.30-35.
Second, note Hebrew parallelisms used with the word DIA, "through." For example, in Col 1.16 Paul uses DIA with other Greek prepositions like "for him" (EIS AUTON) and "in him" (EN AUTO); the latter as causal, i.e., because, or for the sake of, or with Jesus in view, in intention. Some notable trinis say as much: “We must render [EN] ‘because of’ in Col. 1:16” (Turner, A Grammar of NT Greek, Vol. 3, p. 253). James Dunn translates “in him in intention” (Christology in the Making, p. 190).
Third, elsewhere Paul says Christians are EN Christ even "before the world began" (Eph. 1:4).
First, your starting point must be the only place that describes the ORIGIN [GENESIS] and COMING INTO BEING [GENNAO] of the Son, Mat 1.18-20; cp. Luke 1.30-35.
Second, note Hebrew parallelisms used with the word DIA, "through." For example, in Col 1.16 Paul uses DIA with other Greek prepositions like "for him" (EIS AUTON) and "in him" (EN AUTO); the latter as causal, i.e., because, or for the sake of, or with Jesus in view, in intention. Some notable trinis say as much: “We must render [EN] ‘because of’ in Col. 1:16” (Turner, A Grammar of NT Greek, Vol. 3, p. 253). James Dunn translates “in him in intention” (Christology in the Making, p. 190).
Third, elsewhere Paul says Christians are EN Christ even "before the world began" (Eph. 1:4).
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