
Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022


This post is written in response to anyone who teaches or believes that Jesus was a man just like us in every way. Hebrews 2:17 is the verse that is used to say that Jesus could be tempted to sin and was capable of sin and that when faced with his death he did not want to go through with it.
Both of these ideas are assumptions based on carnal thinking and not understanding scripture.

In every way. This would mean he was born into sin and was child of the devil as we all are when we are born into this world. Acts 26:18 Jesus would be as weak as we are and ignorant of spiritual things. Jesus would have been cut off from God and in need of a messiah just like we are. Ephesians 2:12 It should be obvious that Jesus was not like us in every way but how then are we to interpret Hebrews 2:17 ? It should be clear that we should not take “in every way” in the way many have. Hebrews 2:17 is only saying Jesus was a human being, he was a soul composed of body and human spirit and biologically exactly the same as we are, in every way
physically. It is the human spirit of Jesus, that while definitely human, that was created by his God and Father as our spirits will be when we are in the kingdom of God.

Let’s review and compare the human spirit of Jesus to any other human.

When was the last time someone worshiped you ? Matthew 14:33. When was the last time you said I and my Father are one ? John 10:30. When was the last time you said, if you have seen me you have seen the Father ? John 14:9. Were you born of a virgin ? Isaiah 7:14 Are you being used to heal the sick or raise the dead ? Are you a mediator between God and men ? When was the last time you walked on water ? Can you tell me that in your entire life you have never sinned ? Are you worthy of the same honor as God ? John 5:23. Do you have direct access to God without a mediator ? Have you been righteous since your mothers womb ? Psalm 22:10 Could you go head to head, one on one, with Satan and win ? John 14:30 Does this sound like an ordinary man ? According to scripture there has never been a righteous man, Romans 3:10-12 , Isaiah 53:11 , Jesus was the first and only righteous man who has ever lived. The unrighteous are you and me and because of what God did through the man Jesus you and I can have the righteousness of God imputed to us because of faith in what Jesus did. Do you know of anyone else that could have done all these things ? Do you still think Jesus was exactly like us in every way ? Hebrews 1:3 describes Jesus the man as the brightness of Gods glory and the express image of Gods person and Peter in 2 Peter 1:4 The divine nature, the nature of the Father was in the Christ and in the future will be in us when we enter the kingdom of God. This is why it says in Revelation 3:14 , Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God. This is not about Genesis and Adam but of Genesis 2 and the second Adam. All of the first Adams children are dead but all of the second Adams children are alive. Jesus was not of the first Genesis, this world or creation but was the second Adam of what Gods will is for humanity. John 8:23 , John 3:31 , John 17:14 , Hebrews 9:11 , 2 Corinthians 5:1 God’s ultimate will for man is to be recreated in the image of His son, Jesus the man, who is our example and model to follow. Jesus is the first human to fulfill what God said in Genesis 1:26 , to truly be created, not recreated like you and me need to be, but created from his mothers womb the very first new man, the beginning of what God is doing. You and I must follow this new man, put him on like a garment, Ephesians 4:22-24 , Colossians 3:2-4 , to say Jesus was exactly like us in every way is to assassinate his God given character of agape and righteousness. We are to be transformed to be in the image of this man Jesus so then how can he be exactly like us in every way? We need a change in both body and spirit to enter the kingdom. Jesus only needed a change in body because his human spirit was already kingdom quality. In the process of proving Jesus is not God but human men have gone to far and make the Christ himself one of those he came to save. They make Jesus to much like us spiritually. Biologically Jesus was exactly like us in every way but spirituality Jesus was obviously far above us. Hebrews 1:9 , Psalm 45:7 Jesus was the anointed one. Can you not see this when reading the scriptures about him ? Yes, Jesus was not God, but he was created in the image of the invisible God in Godly love and righteousness . Colossians 1:15, Jesus had the divine nature, character of his God that we hope to achieve by faith in Jesus. Romans 8:29 We are to have the mind of this man Jesus who had the mind of his God. To not understand these things is to not fully know the gospel , Christ or God. Jesus was born a true son of God, you and I were not. We must be recreated in the image of Jesus who was created in the image of the invisible God and have faith to believe this to have hope in our salvation.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Yes Lori. Those distinctions were designed by Yahweh. Having a superior human spirit does not make you less human. Jesus was the express image of his Gods character. The word express, Strongs G5481 means an exact copy of Yahwehs love and righteousness. In this way Yahweh created an image of Himself. This is what Yahweh intends to do with the saints, it is that Jesus was the first born of many. Jesus was incapable of sin just as Yahweh is and the temptation by Satan was not a farce but actually proof to us that Yahweh provided us with a true lamb without spot or blemishes. Those who say Jesus was a potential sinner assinate that character Yahweh created Jesus with and intends to recreate the saints with. In this they are ignorantly denying the Christ and blaspheme his name.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Hello Outcast, his is my reply to the idea that Jesus Christ was a potential sinner.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Outcast, there are two other posts. There are only two types of people spiritually speaking, the righteous and the unrighteous. The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. Which was Jesus ? Also, there are two others, sinners and those who cannot sin, there is no such thing as a potential sinner excepting Adam and Eve before they did sin by acquiring the knowledge of good and evil from the forbidden fruit, but before this they had no knowledge of what righteous or unrighteous was. All Adam knew was that God forbid in him to eat the forbidden fruit.
Even with the angels sin was possible and 1/3 did sin but those 2/3 that did not God sealed their nature/character in righteousness and they cannot sin. When we are born in the spirit , born of God , we are also sealed and cannot sin. Now read , John 6:27 , the king James or new king James is the better version to see this. This correlates with the sealing of the 144000 in Revelation 7:4 . This is a deep thing that goes beyond even meat. I know it is true but I cannot give the understanding of it, that must come by Yahweh through Christ. Ephesians 1:13 , Ephesians 4:30 , Romans 4:11 , Revelation 7:3 , 2 Corinthians 1:22
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Active member
Dec 5, 2023
I see a parallel between the terms "sealed" and "the elect." Without writing a novella here, I can also see that there was a time when "the angels" had free will. As with Adam and Eve in the garden, they could - in a previous time - choose their actions. I see no other explanation for 1/3 of the Angels following Lucifer and being cast out.
In all honesty, I have read 1 Tim 5:21 before but never took note of the word "elect" and considered the implications.

1 Ti 5:21 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality.

While scripture doesn't give us details, in order to have "elect Angels," there must also have been those who were not elect.

Now, I'll have that on my mind throughout the day.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
There seems to be a reasonable explanation. The seal of GOD seals those who have it in GODS righteousness and love. For angels and man this is a free will choice. Two thirds of the angels made the right choice and their natures were sealed, they were elected, chosen to be sealed because they loved and obeyed their GOD. Jesus was sealed in his mothers womb, Psalm 22:9,10 Isaiah 49:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 These scriptures plainly say that GOD created HIS son in the womb of Mary and even in the womb GOD was the GOD of Jesus. Jesus was sealed. John 6:27 This is also the future for the 144000. When the 144000 are sealed they will be as Jesus was when he was on the Earth. 1 John 3:2 1 John 4:17 Once sealed the elect saints will be incapable of sin and have direct contact with GOD just as Jesus did when on Earth. The saints will very shortly afterwards be changed from flesh to spirit when joining Christ in the air. Then they along with Jesus and the holy angels invade and conquer the Earth for the kingdom of GOD. Psalm 139:1-9 The new song in Psalm 149:1 is the same song as in Revelation 14:3
GOD will never force any being to love and obey HIM because you just can’t force either one. You and I and all people must be willing. Revelation 22:17. Strongs concordance G2309 to will, to wish, to desire.
The unpardonable sin is proof the GOD forces no one to have salvation.