General A Hidden Message


New member
Feb 1, 2024
A Hidden Message​

I came across this video on YouTube:

It makes a very interesting claim about a hidden (or not so hidden) message given to mankind using the names of the 24 priestly family heads in ancient Israel. Here are those names in the Bible:

(1 Chronicles 24:4)
Since the sons of El·e·aʹzar had more headmen than the sons of Ithʹa·mar had, they divided them accordingly: The sons of El·e·aʹzar had 16 as heads of their paternal houses, and the sons of Ithʹa·mar had 8 as heads of their paternal houses. (16 + 8 = 24)

(1 Chronicles 24:7-18) The first lot came out to Je·hoiʹa·rib; the second to Je·daʹiah, 8 the third to Haʹrim, the fourth to Se·oʹrim, 9 the fifth to Mal·chiʹjah, the sixth to Mijʹa·min, 10 the seventh to Hakʹkoz, the eighth to A·biʹjah, 11 the ninth to Jeshʹu·a, the tenth to Shec·a·niʹah, 12 the 11th to E·liʹa·shib, the 12th to Jaʹkim, 13 the 13th to Hupʹpah, the 14th to Je·shebʹe·ab, 14 the 15th to Bilʹgah, the 16th to Imʹmer, 15 the 17th to Heʹzir, the 18th to Hapʹpiz·zez, 16 the 19th to Peth·a·hiʹah, the 20th to Je·hezʹkel, 17 the 21st to Jaʹchin, the 22nd to Gaʹmul, 18 the 23rd to De·laʹiah, the 24th to Ma·a·ziʹah.

Well i wanted to confirm the meanings of those names myself. The following is my research into the meaning of those names. First is the definition in the JW Insight volumes. Then, after // is the definition from Strong's Concordance. The third set of sources follows ///.

Abbreviations used:
(if the dictionary abbreviation is not listed after the name, then it had no definition of the name)

EBD - Easton's Bible Dictionary - 1897
FBD - Fausset's Bible Dictionary - 1969
HBoD - Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible - 1898
HPC - Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary - 2005
HBD - Holeman Bible Dictionary - 1991
ISBE - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - 1915
SBD - Smith's Bible Dictionary - 1863
BDB - Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew Lexicon - 1906

(Note: added comments are between dashes)

Jehoiʹarib = May Jehovah Contend; Jehovah Has Conducted [Our] Legal Case // the LORD contends /// Jehovah will defend (FBD) ; Yahweh creates justice (HBD); Yahweh pleads or contends (ISBE); Jehovah contends (BDB)
-To contend is to maintain or assert that something is true or is a fact.-

Jedaʹiah = Jah Knows // Yah has known /// Yah has performed a merciful deed (HBD); Yah knows (ISBE); Jehovah has known (BDB)
-Jehovah has known from the beginning. (Ge 3:15)-

Haʹrim = Devoted; Banned // consecrated /// dedicated (HBD); flat-nose (EBD); flat-nosed (SBD); dedicated (BDB)
-To dedicate something means to set it apart for a specific purpose.-

Seoʹrim = (none) // (none) /// barley (BDB)
-Nisan 16 marked the start of the first harvest of the year based on the sacred calendar. On that day the high priest was to “bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of the barley harvest and wave it "back and forth before Jehovah” at the sanctuary. (Leviticus 23:5-12)-

Malchiʹjah = My King Is Jehovah // my king is Yah /// My King is Yahweh (HBD); Yah is king (ISBE); my king is Jehovah (BDB)

Mijʹamin = From the Right Hand // (none) /// from the right hand (EBD, HBD, SBD, BDB)
-The right hand is a position of authority, prestige, and favor. (Ps 110:1; 1Pe 3:22; Mt 25:33)-

Hakʹkoz = The Thorn // (none) /// The thorn (EBD, HBD); thorn (SBD); the nimble (ISBE); thorn (BDB)
-Can represent rulership. (Jg 9:14, 15; Mt 15:17; Jn 19:2)-

Abiʹjah = My Father Is Jehovah // Yah is my father /// "my father is Yahweh," or "Yahweh is father" (ISBE); Jehovah is (my) father (BDB)

Jeshʹua = Jehovah Is Salvation // (none) /// Yahweh is salvation (HBD); a savior (SBD); he is saved (BDB)
-The name of Jesus in Hebrew.-

Shecaniʹah = Residence of Jehovah // Yah has taken up His abode /// Yahweh has taken up residence (HBD); dweller with Jehovah (SBD, BDB)

Eliʹashib = My God Returns (Brings Back) // God restores /// God repays or leads back (HBD); whom God restores (SBD); God restores (ISBE, BDB)

Jaʹkim = Jah Has Raised Up // He lifts up /// Establisher (EBD); He caused to stand (HBD); whom God sets up (SBD); he (God) lifteth Up (ISBE); He will raise (BDB)

Hupʹpah = Shelter // (none) /// shelter or roof or bridal chamber (HBD); protected (SBD); protection (ISBE); canopy (BDB)

Jeshebʹeab = May the Father Continue to Dwell; or, possibly, Jehovah Has Brought the Father Back // seat of (his) father /// "the father remains alive" or "He brings the father back" (HBD); father's seat (SBD); dwelling of the father (BDB)

Bilʹgah = Brightening // cheerfulness /// Cheerful (EBD); brightness (HBD); first-born (SBD); cheerfulness (HBoD, ISBE, BDB)

Imʹmer = (none) // (none) /// lamb (HBD), he hath said (BDB)

Heʹzir = Pig; Boar // (none) /// swine or strong (EBD); wildpig. (HBD); swine (SBD, BDB)
-In Hebrew culture the Gentiles were considered swine. (Le 11:7; Ac 10:28)-

Hapʹpizzez = possibly from a root meaning “smash” // to break /// to break (BDB)

Pethahiʹah = Jah Has Opened [the Womb] // (none) /// Loosed of the Lord (EBD); Yahweh opens (HBD); gate of the Lord (HPC); Yah opens up (ISBE); freed by Jehovah (SBD, BDB)

Jehezʹkel = May God Strengthen; God Has Strengthened // God strengthens /// whom God makes strong (SBD); God strengthens (HBD, ISBE, BDB)

= May [Jehovah] Firmly Establish // He will establish /// Firm (EBD); Yah established (HBD); he shall establish (SBD); he will establish (ISBE, BDB)

Gaʹmul = possibly, One Weaned (or, One Receiving Due Treatment) // weaned /// receiver of good deeds (HBD); weaned (EBD, HDoB, ISBE, BDB)
-An unweaned infant drinks milk, but a mature Christian eats solid food. (1Co 3:2; He 5:12, 13)-

Delaʹiah = Jehovah Has Drawn Up [in deliverance] // Yah has drawn /// God has raised (ISBE); Jehovah has drawn (BDB)

Maaziʹah = Jehovah Is a Stronghold // (none) /// Strength or consolation of Jehovah (EBD); Yahweh is a refuge (HBD); consolation of Jehovah (SBD, BDB)

Definition sources:

Here is the raw message using the direct meaning of the names:

Jehovah contends. Jehovah has known. Dedicated. Barley. My king is Jehovah. From the right hand. The thorn. Jehovah is my father. Jesus. Dweller with Jehovah. God restores. Jehovah has raised up. Shelter. Dwelling of the Father. Cheerfulness. He has said. Swine. To break. Freed by Jehovah. God strengthens. He will establish. Weaned. Jehovah has drawn. Jehovah is a stronghold.

The message?:

Jehovah asserts as fact that He has known and dedicated the Messiah. My king is Jehovah and from His right hand comes the King of the people. My father is Jehovah. Jesus dwells with Jehovah. God will restore and raise up His earthly dwelling place, which will bring cheerfulness. He has said: Gentiles will be broken free by God. God will strengthen, establish, and bring them to maturity. Jehovah has drawn them. He is their refuge.

I will leave it up to you to decide if the "hidden message" has merit, but it seems very plausible to me.

What do you think?


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New member
Feb 1, 2024
Hmm,, the link in my article still works.
The video is still there.
Here is the link without the dot in front of com
so just copy and paste that link into your address bar and add the dot

And FYI, he is not someone who i watch, so i am not endorsing him.
I just came across this one video of his.



Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
A similar thing can be done with the names from Adam to Jesus.