General A false premise: Romans 13


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Correct. To become involved in the affairs of the unconverted will lead to compromise of Christian values. It is very similar to trying to serve two masters. This current world is being ruled by Satan by the will of God. Adam chose to obey Satan and now all unconverted people are Satans children and do his will. The Christian has their citizenship in heaven not on Earth. If you are aware of what politics is like then you should know how filthy it can be. No one can make this world a better place other than at the return of Jesus Christ. The history of human civilization and government has been nothing more than suffering and death. The chapters of history books are marked off by what war was being fought at that time. Look at the U.S.A. and how it has become even worse with unjust laws , legalized perversion and attacks on family and children. Do not even vote, it’s worthless anyway and will change nothing except wrinkle, spot and blemish your garment.