Devotional 3.29 | Space for Grace | SUNDAY – Resurrection Appearances (4) Emmaus


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Bible Challenge
Oct 5, 2020
March 29th

SUNDAY – Resurrection Appearances (4) Emmaus

Stunned, they looked at each other and said, “Why didn’t we recognize it was him? Didn’t our hearts burn with the flames of holy passion while we walked beside him?

He unveiled for us such profound revelation from the Scriptures!” Luke 24:32, The Passion Translation

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Action: Two forlorn travellers walked away from Jerusalem. No hallelujahs only heartache. Hopes of a conquering Messiah-King dashed by his death – his crown was thorns; his throne was a cross. A stranger joined them and patiently helped them connect the dots of scripture to point to the suffering and death of their Messiah. Later, while eating a meal with them, Jesus let them recognize him - and then vanished (vs 31). Perhaps through the nail marks on his hand, the manner he broke bread or the way he spoke to his Father, they came to recognize him. Why did he leave so suddenly? Answer is, he didn’t leave, he simply became invisible.


  • “Two of them … one of them Cleopas” (vs 13,18). A twofold witness was necessary in Jewish law. These were not famous apostles; they were undistinguished and half- anonymous followers to whom Jesus fully disclosed himself. Our Lord does not spurn the humble but comes alongside to comfort, not condemn.

  • “Their eyes were kept from recognizing him” (vs 16). God may choose for a time to close our minds to certain plain teachings of Scripture, so that we will learn lessons that we never would have learned if we had understood and embraced them from the start.

  • “All the scriptures the things concerning himself” (vs 27,32). We too can enjoy ‘holy heartburn’ if we read the Bible, not to diagram its sentences but to meet Christ personally (John 5:39).


Do you read the Bible to get knowledge or to know Christ?​



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